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xHarbour / Borland vs xHarbour Builder

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 11:41 pm
by TimStone
While on vacation I decided to play with UE Studio / BCC 551 / FWH / xHarbour ( Borland ).

I immediately received errors.

I tried to build the .prg files I use from my xBuilder script. It seems there are probably differences in files I must use. Also, I thought there would be a way to specify with UE Studio the main .prg file, but I am unable to find how I would set that in a project.

Are there any threads or places where build concepts are discussed ?


Re: xHarbour / Borland vs xHarbour Builder

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:07 am
by mmercado
Hi Tim:
TimStone wrote:I tried to build the .prg files I use from my xBuilder script. It seems there are probably differences in files I must use. Also, I thought there would be a way to specify with UE Studio the main .prg file, but I am unable to find how I would set that in a project.
When you create a new project, UEstudio assigns the executable (Target) name taking the Project Name that you selected.

Later you can change it through: "Project Settings"/"Compiler Options".

Best regards.

Manuel Mercado

Re: xHarbour / Borland vs xHarbour Builder

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:07 am
by dutch
Dear Tim,
TimStone wrote:I thought there would be a way to specify with UE Studio the main .prg file, but I am unable to find how I would set that in a project.

Are there any threads or places where build concepts are discussed ?

You can modify project file (.PRJ) in your source folder. The main .PRG must be 0=xxx.prg in [Files] section. .OR. you can RClicked at project name (left top of project file lists) and then select Edit Project File menu.


Re: xHarbour / Borland vs xHarbour Builder

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:52 pm
by TimStone
Should I list all files in the Project, including .lib and .rc files that will be used ?

If I have the .com version of xHarbour, and now I want to use the xHarbour from the FWH site with the Borland compiler, what xHarbour files should be changed ? ( .lib, .dll )

What commands ( generally speaking ) used in an xBuilder/xCC version cannot be used in the xHarbour ( FWH /Borland ) version ?

Is there any documentation for all of this ?

Re: xHarbour / Borland vs xHarbour Builder

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:11 pm
by dutch
TimStone wrote:Should I list all files in the Project, including .lib and .rc files that will be used ?

If I have the .com version of xHarbour, and now I want to use the xHarbour from the FWH site with the Borland compiler, what xHarbour files should be changed ? ( .lib, .dll )

What commands ( generally speaking ) used in an xBuilder/xCC version cannot be used in the xHarbour ( FWH /Borland ) version ?

Is there any documentation for all of this ?
- Zip Function (ZipNew/ZipOpen/ZipCreate/ZipAddFile/ZipClose)

Code: Select all

Function ZipFiles( cFile, cZipFile )
Hb_ZipFile( cZipFile, cFile )
return nil
- cm and cmx (Comix & ClipMore) function

Code: Select all

* Use these function instead of COMIX  *
Function cmxSetScope( nScope, xVal )
return if(PCount() <= 1, OrdScope( nScope ), OrdScope( nScope, xVal ))

Function cmxClrScope( nScope )
return OrdScope( nScope, Nil)

Function cmxKeyNo()
return OrdKeyNo()

Function cmxKeyCount()
return OrdKeyCount()

Function cmxKeyCoun()
return OrdKeyCount()

Function cmxKeyGoTo(nKey)
return OrdKeyGoTo(nKey)

* Use these function instead of CLIPMORE  *
Function cmSetFilter( xVal )
return DbSetFilter( {|| &(xVal) }, xVal )

Function cmFilter( xVal )
return DbSetFilter( {|| &(xVal) }, xVal )

Function cmClrFilter()
return DbClearFilter()

Function cmReFilter( xVal )
local cFilter := (Alias())->(DbFilter())
if !empty( cFilter )
    cFilter += '.and.'+xVal
return DbSetFilter( {|| &(cFilter) }, cFilter )

Function cmFiltCount()
return AdsKeyCount()

Function cmKeyGoTo( nRec )
return nil
That's all I remember. It almost compatible xHarbour/


Re: xHarbour / Borland vs xHarbour Builder

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:28 pm
by Jonathan Hodder
Hi Tim
Is there any documentation for all of this ?
Otto has a flash player file see ... dio#p80922

Antonio has a UEStudio zip file in the FW source code supplied.

Do a search on UEStudio as Antonio has a download for building with FW specifically
for UEStudio.

PS Maybe Otto could set up the flash file again as its lost its link.
Browsers been saying 'connecting' and nothings happening.

Re: xHarbour / Borland vs xHarbour Builder

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:36 pm
by Otto
The link is working again.
Best regards,

Re: xHarbour / Borland vs xHarbour Builder

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:45 pm
by TimStone
I watched part of the video and then my connection was not good ( I was working remotely ). Then my computer crashed completely.

I will go back and watch the full video.

I have all the other items mentioned. The setup is in the folder with the latest FWH.


Re: xHarbour / Borland vs xHarbour Builder

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:43 pm
by TimStone
My problem is related to the path. When I start a build, the compiler finds the .ch files from xHarbour, but then it can't find the .h files. These are ones that I believe are found in the BCC include files. I have the proper path set for the Borland compiler, and for the FWH and xHarbour directories, but apparently the project file doesn't see them. As a result I get 27 errors immediately and no successful compile of the first program.

Any thoughts ? I did view Otto's video. I did have feed problems so it was hard to track in the second half. I didn't understand the section on the Tools setup, but I figured that might be simply necessary for the building of sample files.

Re: xHarbour / Borland vs xHarbour Builder

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:38 pm
by mmercado
Hi Tim:
TimStone wrote:My problem is related to the path. When I start a build, the compiler finds the .ch files from xHarbour, but then it can't find the .h files. These are ones that I believe are found in the BCC include files. I have the proper path set for the Borland compiler, and for the FWH and xHarbour directories, but apparently the project file doesn't see them. As a result I get 27 errors immediately and no successful compile of the first program.
You should check paths at [Variables] section of Compiler Configuration File named "Application" located in \UEstudio\Configs\xHarbour.

Best regards.

Manuel Mercado.

Re: xHarbour / Borland vs xHarbour Builder

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:33 pm
by TimStone
The problem I have is with xHarbour\include\ h files, indefs.h, hbsetup.h which are trying to access assert.h, stdarg.h stdio.h, string.h and limits.h

The paths are set correctly in the application file. Borland C++ is trying to work on the first file ( main ) of my program and fails. It has, in addition to the above, errors which are probably the result of missing include statements from the files listed above.

Other thoughts would be appreciated.

Re: xHarbour / Borland vs xHarbour Builder

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:54 am
by James Bott

I don't know if this is your problem but I used to have fits with Borland until I setup its own config files with the paths. Go the the Utilities section of this forum and look for a message "Borland C Setup files."


Re: xHarbour / Borland vs xHarbour Builder

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 6:15 pm
by TimStone
That took care of that problem. I have one left.

I need to use some libraries ( .lib ). Should they be added to the Project list, or elsewhere ? I need to use the ADS libraries from xHarbour, and a tSBrowse library. I'm sure there may be others I will need to link in.

Re: xHarbour / Borland vs xHarbour Builder

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:02 pm
by dutch
Dear Tim,

Add in this.

C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UEStudio 06\configs\xHarbour\Application

Code: Select all

HPATH = D:\xHarbour
CPATH = D:\bcc55


HOPT = /n /gc0 /q $(Compiler Options) /i$(HPATH)\INCLUDE $(User Include Path&1) $(User Defines) $(Automatic Memvar Declaration) $(Variables Are Assumed) $(Generate Preprocessed Output) $(Warning Level)

LOPT = -Gn -aa -Tpe -s -v
LIBS0 = $(HPATHL)\MySql.lib $(HPATHL)\LibMySql.lib
LIBS1 = $(FWH)\LIB\FiveHX.lib $(FWH)\LIB\FiveHC.lib $(FWH)\LIB\noway.lib
LIBS2 = $(HPATHL)\rtl.lib $(HPATHL)\vm.lib $(HPATHL)\gtgui.lib $(HPATHL)\lang.lib $(HPATHL)\macro.lib $(HPATHL)\rdd.lib $(HPATHL)\dbfcdx.lib $(HPATHL)\dbfntx.lib $(HPATHL)\dbffpt.lib $(HPATHL)\hbsix.lib $(HPATHL)\debug.lib $(HPATHL)\common.lib $(HPATHL)\pp.lib $(HPATHL)\codepage.lib $(HPATHL)\pcrepos.lib $(HPATHL)\ct.lib
LIBS3 = $(CPATHL)\cw32.lib $(CPATHL)\import32.lib $(CPATHL)\psdk\odbc32.lib $(CPATHL)\psdk\msimg32.lib $(CPATHL)\psdk\nddeapi.lib $(CPATHL)\psdk\iphlpapi.lib  $(CPATHL)\psdk\rasapi32.lib
LIBS4 = $(FWH)\LIB\twbrw32x.lib $(FWH)\LIB\TSBUTTON.LIB $(HPATHL)\hbzip.lib $(HPATHL)\zlib.lib $(FWH)\LIB\ACE32.LIB $(HPATHL)\rddads.lib $(FWH)\LIB\PICKDATX.LIB $(FWH)\LIB\TSBRWX.LIB
LIBS   = $(LIBS0) $(LIBS4) $(LIBS1) $(LIBS2) $(LIBS3)

Re: xHarbour / Borland vs xHarbour Builder

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:15 am
by anserkk
Add in this.

C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UEStudio 06\configs\xHarbour\Application
What about having multiple projects in UEStudio. Each project may contain different libs, compiler parameters etc.. In that scenario should we keep different copies of the file "Application" in the folder C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UEStudio 06\configs\xHarbour\

In xMate we can keep as many Environment files and can use the required environment file for the project.
