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Bug ButtomBmp + Codejock SkinFramework

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 8:48 pm
by Giovany Vecchi
I am testing Codejock SkinFramework and this happening a strange bug with buttonbmp.
The buttons that possess Tooltip when moving the mouse the bitmaps disappear, this only happens in the buttons that he/she has tooltip.
He/she would like to know somebody already tried to use this.

Estou testando Codejock SkinFramework e esta acontecendo um bug estranho com buttonbmp.
Os botões que possuem Tooltip ao movimentar o mouse os bitmaps desaparecem, isto acontece somente nos botões que tem tooltip.
Gostaria de saber se alguem ja tentou usar isto.

Code Skin:

Code: Select all

if !IsActiveX("Codejock.SkinFramework.13.0.0")
   IF !IsActiveX("Codejock.SkinFrameWork.13.0.0")
      MsgStop("Gerenciador dos skins não foi instalado","Erro...")
      Return .F.

cStyle := CONFIG_TERMINAL_VARS(37)+".cjstyles"

oActivexSystem:= TActiveX():New( xWin, "Codejock.SkinFrameWork.13.0.0",0,0,.2,.2 )

oActivexSystem:Do( "EnableThemeDialogTexture", xWin:hWnd,6 )
oActivexSystem:Do( "LoadSkin", cStyle, "" )
oActivexSystem:Do( "ApplyWindow", xWin:hWnd )

Aqui é o dialogo normal

Quando passo o mouse sobre o botão que tem tooltip

Quando o botão não tem tooltip não o bitmap não desaparece.

Re: Bug ButtomBmp + Codejock SkinFramework

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 9:19 pm
by ukoenig
Hello Giovany,

It works fine here tested with all combinations ( from source and resources ).
Maybe have a look at the code.
Test with transparent and 2007 Style :



Code: Select all

@ 40, 8 BTNBMP oBtn51 OF oDlg5 ;
SIZE 45 , 40  PROMPT "Source 2" ; // 2007 ;
FONT oBarFont ;
NOBORDER ; // without this line = Border
FILENAME c_path + "\system\View_A.bmp", ;  // Aktiv
         c_path + "\system\View_P.bmp",  ; // Pressed
         c_path + "\system\View_D.bmp",  ; // Disabled
         c_path + "\system\View_M.bmp" ; // Mouse-caption
oBtn51:lTransparent := .T.
oBtn51:cTooltip := "2. Source Preview"
oBtn51:lBorder := .F. 
Best Regards
Uwe :lol:

Re: Bug ButtomBmp + Codejock SkinFramework

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 11:51 pm
by Giovany Vecchi
To work the styles of the skins in the buttons, he/she has to use ButtonBmp, If I use BtnBmp with style office 2007 I lose the proportionate style for the codejock skinFremework.
The incredible is that the bitmap disappears when the event is worked WM_MOUSEMOVE and this only happens if the button has a tolltip.

Para funcionar os estilos dos skins nos botões, tem que usar o ButtonBmp, Se eu usar BtnBmp com estilo office 2007 eu perco o estilo proporcionado pelo codejock skinFremework.
O incrivel é que o bitmap desaparece quando é acionado o evento WM_MOUSEMOVE e isto acontece somente se o botão tiver um tolltip.

Re: Bug ButtomBmp + Codejock SkinFramework

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 2:11 pm
by Giovany Vecchi
See using another skin here now
The result is the same.
I verified and the bitmap disappears when the function is called CREATETOOLTIP in Window.prg, if I remove the function it doesn't happen the problem, they put doesn't present Tooltip


Re: Bug ButtomBmp + Codejock SkinFramework

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 4:51 pm
by Giovany Vecchi
I already tried of everything and I didn't get a solution.
I need the function CREATETOOLTIP to alter and to find the problem, they put CREATETOOLTIP no this available one his/her source in SOURCE of Fivewin.
Would anybody have this function?

Re: Bug ButtomBmp + Codejock SkinFramework

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 4:44 pm
by Giovany Vecchi
Mr. Antonio, I am trying to solve this problem with the bitmaps, everything indicates that the problem can be decided to alter the function CREATETOOLTIP.
Could you send me the function for me to try this to solve?