Thank You very much Antonio, James
I changed the source this way :
Save a JPG-file to BMP with new size :
(2)->EXTENSION) is the desired destination-format.
The format of the original file is automatic detected.
Code: Select all
newFORMAT := c_Path +"\image\" + cIMAGE
cCONVERT := "NCONVERT -quiet -out " + ALLTRIM( (2)->EXTENSION) + " -resize " + ;
ALLTRIM(str(nWidth)) + " " + ALLTRIM(str(nHeight)) + " &newFORMAT "
It works great. The DOS-box is hidden !
The next step will be a script-editor, because i don't know,
what the user wants to do with the selected image.
1. select the image from the project-database.
2. open the convert-dialog and choose the export-format and size.
3. open the script-browser to choose what to do with the image.
To convert and resize is just a small selection of the things
are possible. Adjust Brightness, flip and rotate, changing colors ...
everything is possible.
All what we need to do is : WINEXEC ( "&cCONVERT", 0 )
cCONVERT will be the script we choose from the database.