What is the best of MySql (lib or class) TMySql, TDolphin

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Re: What is the best of MySql (lib or class) TMySql, TDolphin

Post by mosh1 »

Daniel Garcia-Gil wrote: method 2

Code: Select all

    oServer:Update( "table_name",  { "account", "balance" }, { 'sobachka', 3.14 } , "account = 'dog' " )

I rebuilt library from source you send me

oServer:InsertFromDbf("table_name, "alias_name", alias->(reccount()), aFldNames )

gives me an error :

Error BASE/1102 Argument error: UPPER
=> UPPER line 0
=> ASCAN line 0
=> MAIN line 59
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Daniel Garcia-Gil
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Re: What is the best of MySql (lib or class) TMySql, TDolphin

Post by Daniel Garcia-Gil »

mosh1 wrote:oServer:InsertFromDbf("table_name, "alias_name", alias->(reccount()), aFldNames )
the parameters are wrong

please check testdbi.prg

method definition from Class TDolphinsrv

METHOD InsertFromDbf( cTable, cAlias, nLimit, aStruct, bOnInsert, cDuplicateKey )
/*insert new rows into an existing table from DBF file,
the table should be contain same fieldname that DBF */

cTable = table name where will be inserted
cAlias = Alias of DBF that contains the data
nLimit = total row will be inserted each time, by default is 500
aStruct = arrays with fields name, should be same name in DBF and Table, by default is DBF Fields
bOninsert = codeblock will be execute each "INSERT"
cDuplicateKey = condition on "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" in statement "INSERT" ( http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/ ... icate.html )
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Daniel Garcia-Gil
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Re: What is the best of MySql (lib or class) TMySql, TDolphin

Post by Daniel Garcia-Gil »

for more support about TDolphin you can open a new thread...
our best documentation is the source code
Isla de Margarita Venezuela.
https://www.dropbox.com/referrals/NTI5N ... rc=global9
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