mod Harbour booking - my new project

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Re: mod Harbour booking - my new project

Post by vilian »

Thank you,

It's exactly I wanted !
Vilian F. Arraes
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Re: mod Harbour booking - my new project

Post by Otto »

my mod harbor online booking is now in the state that the requirement specifications and functional specification are covered. Now I start with detail programming.

Data comes from dbf file :D - the
function is from 1994 from my DOS version of WINHOTEL which was called PCHOTEL.
Please look how easy you can select/de-selcet the rooms you want book.

Best regards,

mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web

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Massimo Linossi
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Re: mod Harbour booking - my new project

Post by Massimo Linossi »

Hi Otto.
Very nice work, many compliments.
I'm making a program too, when is completely working I'll give you some screenshots.
Pay attention that in Safari the Pickdate is not working. You need to include some Javascript code for working with Bootstrap.
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Re: mod Harbour booking - my new project

Post by Otto »

Hello Massimo,
thank you. I also saw that in Explorer it is not looking the same.
This first screen is totally made with Botstrap Studio. And I included all the js files from assets folder.

This is a very unfinished program. I just posted to show that mod harbor works well.
You can program everything with it.
What kind of programm are you working.
Best regards
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web

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Massimo Linossi
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Re: mod Harbour booking - my new project

Post by Massimo Linossi »

Hi Otto.
Yes, with Bootstrap Studio you can make everything. And when you export the project
you have only to take some pieces and put inside a TEMPLATE...ENDTEXT command and the
prg is running. I have only some problems to pass elements from mod_harbour to JS and
viceversa. But for the program that I'm developing is not so important.
This project should ask for some fields (dates and numbers) and launch a second process
for selecting data between different tables for making calculations and at the end display
a browse for finally exporting it in PDF or Excel. I've solved after some time how to make
a meter that is updated in main form from the second launched prg. I've used some JS code
with some AJAX code. It's not finished yet but I've solved some problems caused also for the
way of programming that I have in mind after 42 years of developing in other languages.
Have a nice evening
P.S. At the end of summer we can meet in your hotel for a weekend.
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