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Re: Dialog Color / Gradient

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 8:22 pm
by cnavarro
Rick, Thanks to you for everything

Re: Dialog Color / Gradient

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:41 pm
by cdmmaui
Dear Rick,

Thank you!

Re: Dialog Color / Gradient

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:41 pm
by cdmmaui
Dear Cristobal,

Thank you very much!


Re: Dialog Color / Gradient

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 2:15 am
by cnavarro
New better version

To all users: please, add new themes

Code: Select all

// Gradient for Dialogs: Thanks to Rick Lipkin
Function GradDlgs( cTheme )

   local x
   local aGrad    := {}
   local aTmp     := {}
   local aThemes  := {;
         { "SolidWhite", { { 0.5, nRGB( 255, 255, 255 ), nRGB( 255, 255, 255 ) } } }, ;
         { "BlueGreen", { { 1.00, 14671839, 7419904 }, { 1.00, 7419904, 14671839 } } }, ;
         { "SolidGreenBlue", { { 0.01, 9994298, 9994298 },{ 0.01, 9994298, 9994298 } } },;
         { "SolidDarkBlue", { { 0.50, 4720905, 4720905 }, { 0.50, 4720905, 4720905 } } }, ;
         { "SolidBlue", { { 0.01, 16711680, 16711680 },{ 0.01, 16711680, 16711680 } } }, ;
         { "DarkBlue", { { 0.0, 8388608, 13619151 },{ 0.0, 13619151, 8388608 } } }, ;
         { "LightGreen", { { .50, nRGB(210,235,216), nRGB( 255, 255, 255 ) } } }, ;
         { "LightBlue", { { .50, nRGB( 201, 217, 237 ), nRGB( 231, 242, 255 ) } } }, ;
         { "LightGrey", { { .50, nRGB( 216, 216, 216 ), nRGB( 255, 255, 255 ) } } }, ;
         { "Standard", { { .50, nRGB( 236, 233, 216 ), nRGB( 255, 255, 255 ) } } }, ;
         { "DarkGrey", { { 0.87, 16777215, 11513775 },{ 0.87,11513775, 16777215 } } }, ;
         { "SolidGrey", { { .50, nRGB( 233, 233, 233 ), nRGB( 233, 233, 233 ) } } }, ;
         { "SolidChoral", { { 0.01,8388736,8388736 },{ 0.01,8388736,8388736 } } }, ;
         { "LightYellow", { { 0.01,8440801,16777215 },{ 0.75,16777215,8440801 } } }, ;
         { "GreenBlue", { { .50, nRGB( 192, 192, 192 ), nRGB( 45, 121, 147 ) } } } ;
   DEFAULT cTheme := ""

   if Valtype( cTheme ) == "C"
      AEVal( aThemes, { | a | AAdd( aTmp, Upper( a[ 1 ] ) ) } )
      x := Ascan( aTmp, Upper( cTheme ) )
      if !Empty( x )
         aGrad := aThemes[ x ][ 2 ]  
      if Valtype( cTheme ) == "A"
         aGrad   := cTheme
   if !Empty( aGrad )
      SetDlgGradient( aGrad )

Return aThemes


Re: Dialog Color / Gradient

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 1:14 pm
by cnavarro
Mr Rao send me this comment and image
Gradient { { 0.0, 8388608, 13619151 },{ 0.0, 13619151, 8388608 } }
is same as { { 1, 13619151, 8388608 } }
The first element of { 0.0, 8388608, 13619151 } is ignored when painting.

Gradient spec is like this
{ { n1, clr11, clr12 }, ;
{ n2, clr21, clr22 }, ;
{ nN, clrN1, clrN2 } }

Where n1 + n2 + ... nN = 1
If this total is > 1, gradients above 1 are ignored
if this total is < 1 last gradient is streched.

First gradient is painted in dlg:nheight * n1 pixels
Second gradient is painted in dlg:nheight * n2 pixels
and so on.
To get a better understanding please see the gradient painting logic

If the intention is to paint both gradients the specification should be something like this:
{ { 0.5, 8388608, 13619151 },{ 0.5, 13619151, 8388608 } }
( 0.5 and 0.5 can be 0.3 and 0.7 or 0.6 and 0.4, etc where both add up to 1.0 )

Very important for the correct definition of gradients

Re: Dialog Color / Gradient

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 2:10 pm
by cdmmaui
Gracias Cristobal!