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Re: FWH : Built-in MySql/MariaDB functionality

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 3:05 pm
by vinhesoft
oCn:CreateTable('grupo, {{'NOMGRU','C',30,0}, {'ALTERA','D', 8,0}},'CODGRU')

is created the "ID" field and not " CODGRU " as AUTO_INCREMENT

Re: FWH : Built-in MySql/MariaDB functionality

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 4:39 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
Let me check and come back to you

Re: FWH : Built-in MySql/MariaDB functionality

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 5:29 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
Checked. This was not working in earlier versions.
May we know the FWH version you are using and whether you are using xHarbour and Harbour?

Re: FWH : Built-in MySql/MariaDB functionality

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 5:36 pm
by vinhesoft
FWH 16.06 e Harbour 3.20

Re: FWH : Built-in MySql/MariaDB functionality

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 5:53 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
Can you please email me?

Re: FWH : Built-in MySql/MariaDB functionality

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 8:52 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
We just sent you revised libs by mail.
Please let us know if it is working now

Re: FWH : Built-in MySql/MariaDB functionality

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 10:41 pm
by vinhesoft
Mr Rao

It worked !!!


João Carlos
São Paulo - Brasil

Re: FWH : Built-in MySql/MariaDB functionality

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 1:02 am
by nageswaragunupudi
Much simpler way to specify auto-inc primary key is to specify "+" as field type.
Before or without actually creating table, you can check the table creation sql by
? oCn:CreateTableSQL( cTableName, aStruct )


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   aStru :=  { ;
               { "codgru",    "+",  3, 0 }, ; // '+' : AutoInc Primary Key
               { "nomgru",    "C", 30, 0 }, ;
               { "altera",    "D",  8, 0 }, ;
               { "check",     "L",  1, 0 }, ;
               { "Amount",    "N", 10, 2 }, ;
               { "details",   "M", 10, 0 }, ; // Unlimited Text Memo Field
               { "photo",     "m", 10, 0 }, ; // 'm' for Binary Memo field like Images, etc
               { "dtime",     "T",  8, 0 }, ; // DateTime field
               { "createdt",  "@",  8, 0 }, ; // TimeStamp when record is appended
               { "changedt",  "=",  8, 0 }  ; // TimeStamp when record is last modified

   ? oCn:CreateTableSQL( "testtable", aStru )

Code: Select all

CREATE TABLE `testtable` (
   `nomgru` VARCHAR( 30 ),
   `altera` DATE,
   `check` BIT DEFAULT 0,
   `Amount` DECIMAL( 11, 2 ),
   `details` TEXT,
   `photo` LONGBLOB,
   `dtime` DATETIME,
Example showing how to specify foreign key constraints, collations, calculated columns ( mysql 5.7 and above):

Code: Select all

   aStru := {  ;
               { "code", "REFERENCES states( code )" }, ;
               { "details",   "C",  80,   0, "utf8" }, ;
               { "quantity",  "N",  8,    3 }, ;
               { "rate",      "N",  3,    0 }, ;
               { "value = quantity * rate", "N", 12, 2  }   }

   ? oCn:CreateTableSQL( "test", aStru, nil, "latin1" )

Code: Select all

   `code` varchar(2)  CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci,
   `details` VARCHAR( 80 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,
   `quantity` DECIMAL( 9, 3 ),
   `rate` SMALLINT,
   `value` DECIMAL( 13, 2 ) AS ( quantity * rate ),
) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci

Re: FWH : Built-in MySql/MariaDB functionality

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 6:37 pm
by joseluisysturiz
Very Good, a partir de que version se podra usar esto.? gracias, saludos... :shock:

Re: FWH 16.08 : Built-in MySql/MariaDB functionality (Updated )

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 4:51 am
by nageswaragunupudi
Updated documentation of Connection Object FWH 16.08

New and Additional Method for connection from Ado/TMySql Connection

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oCn := mysql_Connect( oAdoCon (or ) oTMySqlCon )
Main functions and commands for establishing connection are described in the first post of this thread.


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   METHOD SetMultiStatement( lOnOf )
   METHOD SetAutoCommit( lOnOff)
   function MYSQL_TinyIntAsLogical( lOnOff )
   function MYSQL_MaxPadLimit( nNew )

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DATA lLog            AS LOGICAL INIT .f. // logs every sql statement executed and result/error
DATA lLogErr         AS LOGICAL INIT .f. // logs only failed sqls, Useful during development stage
DATA lShowErrors     AS LOGICAL INIT .f. // displays all error message for failed sqls
DATA lShowMessages   AS LOGICAL INIT .f. // displays all message for every sql execution
DATA cLogFile     INIT cFileSetExt( ExeName(), "log" ) // default log file name can be changed by programmer
METHOD ShowError( [cTitle] ) // Shows last error/information
All text is in the language set by method SetMsgLang()

LANGUAGE: Explained in full detail in the first post

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   METHOD SetMsgLang( cLang )
   METHOD GetLocale()
   METHOD SetLocale( cLang )
Please treat the datas as readonly and never modify the values from the program

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CLASSDATA cClientInfo   // --> Eg: 6.0.0
CLASSDATA cServerInfo   // --> Eg: 5.7.15-log

DATA cServer, cUser, nFlags
DATA lOpen

DATA nPort INIT 3306
DATA lUnicode INIT FW_SetUnicode()

// Datas updated automatically after execution of every SQL
DATA nError       INIT 0
DATA cError       INIT ""
DATA cSqlInfo     INIT ""
DATA cLastSQL     INIT ""
DATA nExecSecs    INIT 0  // Time taken to execute the SQL
// end

METHOD character_set_name  // connection character_set
METHOD CurrentDB()       
METHOD ListTables( [cMask] ) // --> aTableAndViewNames
METHOD ListIndexes( cTable ) // --> { { idxname, idxfields, idxtype }, ... }
METHOD ListDbs( [cMask] ) // --> aDataBases  
METHOD ListBaseTables( [cMask], [cDB], [ lExt (.f.)] ) // --> aTableNames ( excluding Veiws )
       // if lExt is true, --> { { tablename, tablecreateSql }, ... }
METHOD ListViews( [cMask], [cDB], [lExt (.f.)] )  // --> aViews
       // if lExt is true --> { { viewname, viewdescription }, ... }
METHOD ListTriggers( [cTableMask], [cDB], [lExt (.f.)] ) // --> aTriggerNames of given table
      // --> Array with full information and Trigger source
METHOD ListProcedures( [cMask], [cDB], [lExt(.f.)] ) // lExt = .t. includes procedure body
METHOD ListFunctions(  [cMask], [cDB], [lExt(.f.)] ) // lExt = .t. includes function body
METHOD ListEngines( [lAll], [lShow] )
METHOD TableExists( cTableName, [db] ) // --> lExists
METHOD IsProcedure( cProc )  // --> lTrue
METHOD IsFunction( cFunc )   // --> lTrue
METHOD FKeyColumns( cTable, cDB ) // --> {{thistablecolumn,foreigndb,foreigntable,foreigncolumn}}
METHOD FKReferencedBy( cTable, cDB ) //-> {{ db.table}} referencing to this table
METHOD FKReferencedTables( cTable )  // --> All tables referenced by this table
METHOD FindRelation( parent, child ) // --> How the foreignkeys are related
METHOD GetVariables( [cMask] )    // --> session variables values
METHOD GetPrimaryFields( cTable, [cDB] ) //--> List of primary keys
METHOD GetUniqueFields( cTable, [cDB]  ) // --> list of all unique keys including primary
METHOD GetAutoCommit()
METHOD InsertID() // --? Last inserted auto-inc ID
DDL Methods

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   METHOD SelectDB( cDB )
   METHOD CreateDB( cDB, cCharSet )
   METHOD CreateTable( cTable, aStruct, lAddAutoInc, char_set )
   METHOD CreateTableSQL( cTable, aStruct, lAddAutoInc, cCharSet )
   METHOD DropTable( cTable )
   METHOD RenameTable( cOld, cNew ) INLINE If( ::lOpen, ;
   METHOD AddAutoInc( cTable, cCol )
   METHOD MakePrimaryKey( cTable, cCol )
   METHOD AddColumn( cTable, aColSpec )
   METHOD AlterColumn( cTable, aColSpec )
   METHOD RenameColumn( cTable, cOldName, cNewName )
Methods CreateTable() and CreateTableSQL() are explained already in this post. To get the best results, it is recommended to use these methods instead of writing own sqls or depending on other GUI tools.

New in FWH 16.08:
METHOD CreateTableSQL( cExistingTable ) --> SQL for recreating the table. This sql is produced by MySql

DML Methods

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METHOD SetAutoCommit( lOnOff)
METHOD Insert( cTable, acFields, aValues )
METHOD InsertSQL( cTable, acFields, aValues, acDuplicate )
METHOD Replace( cTable, acFields, aValues )
METHOD ReplaceSQL( cTable, aFields, aValues )
METHOD Update( cTable, aFields, aValues, cWhere )
FWRowSets make saving updates and insertions to a table exremely easy and there is hardly any need for writing SQL statements. Even in the rare occassions when we need to write SQLs for INSERT,UPDATE,REPLACE we can use METHODS Insert(...), Update(...) or Replace(...) and if we are so interested in examine the SQL statements, we can use METHODS InsertSQL(), ReplaceSQL().

Insert() method is very efficient and can handle multiple row inserts as well as update on duplicates. Even experts should find these methods very useful.


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// ADO Compatibility
METHOD BeginTrans          INLINE ::BeginTransaction()
METHOD CommitTrans         INLINE ::CommitTransaction()
METHOD RollBackTrans       INLINE ::RollBack()
METHOD BeginTransaction()
METHOD CommitTransaction()
METHOD RollBack()         

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// Aliases

METHOD QueryResult( cSql )
METHOD RowSet( cSql, [lShowError] )
METHOE RowSet( cSql, nRows, [lShowError] )
METHOD RowSet( cSql, aParams, [lShowError] )

METHOD Execute( cSql, aParams ) --> Nil / aResult / cResult
METHOD Call( cStoredFunction, [ uParam1, ..., uParamN ] ) // --> ReturnValue of Function
METHOD Call( cStoredProcedure, [ [@]uParam1, ..., [@]uParamN ] ) --> Nil or RowSet
       // Using @uParamX can retrieve values of OUT params
       // This facility is availble only here and not even in ADO
RowSet(..) and Call(...) methods will be discussed separately in other exclusive posts.

UTILITY METHODS & FUNCTIONS most used by other methods

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METHOD UCase( c ) INLINE ::QueryResult( "SELECT UCASE( '" + c + "' )" )
METHOD LCase( c ) INLINE ::QueryResult( "SELECT LCASE( '" + c + "' )" )

METHOD ValToSQL( uVal, [lEmptyAsDefault] )
METHOD ApplyParams( cSql, aParams, [lDbfSyntax] ) //--> cSqlWithParamsEmbedded
METHOD ParseTableName( cName, @cTable, @cDB ) //-> db.table
METHOD ExprnDBF( cFilterExp, aParams ) // cfiltercond, p1, p2, ... )
METHOD ExprnSQL ( cWhereExp,  aParams )
function MYSQL_QuotedCol( cCol )

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METHOD SaveToDBF( cSql, cDbf, [lForUpdate] ) --> nRows Saved. -1 in case of error
METHOD SqlToText( cSql ) --> Tab delimited Text suitable for pasting in Excel, Word, etc.
METHOD ImportFromDBF( cDbf, cTable, cColPrefix, nMultiRowSize, aFields, cAutoIncFld, cCharSet, lAddTS, bProgress ) --> lSuccess
METHOD UploadFromAlias( cTable, cSrcFieldList, cDstFieldList, nMultiRowSize, lUpdate ) --> lSuccess
These methods were explained in previous posts of this thread.


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   METHOD BackUp( [atables], [dest], [bProgress], [nMaxRecs], [nMaxBuf] )
   METHOD BackUpIndex( cBackUp, [lView] )
   METHOD Restore( cFile, [aTables], [bProgress], [cNewDB] )
   METHOD RestoreFromSqlDump( cFile, [bProgress] )
Detailed explanation can be found at ... =3&t=32791


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   METHOD PivotArray( cTable, cRowFld, cColFld, cValFld, cAggrFunc )
   METHOD PivotRS( cTable, cRowFld, cColFld, cValFld, cAggrFunc )
   METHOD UpdateSummary( cMaster, cMasKey, acMasCols,   ;
                         cTrnTable, cTrnKey, acTrnCols, ;
                         cTrnWhere, cOperator )
   function MYSQL_UpdateSummarySQL( cMaster, cMasKey, acMasCols,   ;
                                 cTrnTable, cTrnKey, acTrnCols, ;
                                 cTrnWhere, cOperator )
DATAS (Read/Write)

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   DATA bMeter
   DATA Cargo

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   METHOD Close()
   METHOD End()      INLINE ::Close()
   DESTRUCTION: When connection object is set to NIL and no references are left in memory, close method is automatically called and the object is destroyed.
When the variable or all the variables referering to the connection objects go out of scope, the connection object is automatically closed and the object destroyed. It may be kept in mind that as long as atleast one RowSet still in memory, a reference to the connection object is still alive.

It is a good practice to explicitly close connection object with End() or Close() after closing all RowSet objects.

Re: FWH 16.08 : Built-in MySql/MariaDB functionality (Updated )

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 8:41 am
by nageswaragunupudi

This method makes it easy to update aggregates from transactions table into master/summary table. For this purpose this method uses function MYSQL_UpdateSummarySQL() with the same parameters and executes the SQL.


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? MYSQL_UpdateSummarySQL( ;
  "customers", "ID",     "number,qty,sales", ;
  "sales",     "custid", "count(*),quantity,amount" )
generates this SQL

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UPDATE `customers` m
   SELECT `custid`, count(*) AS t01, SUM( quantity ) AS t02, SUM( amount ) AS t03
   FROM `sales`
   GROUP BY `custid`
) t
ON m.ID = t.custid
    m.number = IFNULL( t.t01, 0 ),
    m.qty    = IFNULL( t.t02, 0 ),
    m.sales  = IFNULL( t.t03, 0 )

Code: Select all

? MYSQL_UpdateSummarySQL( ;
  "customers", "ID",     "number,qty,sales", ;  
  "sales",     "custid", "count(*),quantity,amount", ;
  "saledate >= '2016-01-01'", "+" )

Code: Select all

UPDATE `customers` m
   SELECT `custid`, count(*) AS t01, SUM( quantity ) AS t02, SUM( amount ) AS t03
   FROM `sales`
   WHERE saledate >= '2016-01-01'
   GROUP BY `custid`
) t
ON m.ID = t.custid
    m.number = m.number  +  IFNULL( t.t01, 0 ),
    m.qty    = m.qty     +  IFNULL( t.t02, 0 ),
    m.sales  = m.sales   +  IFNULL( t.t03, 0 )
Pivot Table:

METHOD PivotArray( ;
cTable, ; // table name or cSql
cRowFld, ; // FieldName or SQL Expression for Rows
cColFld, ; // FieldName or SQL Expression for Columns
cValFld, ; // Value FieldName or SQL Expression
[cAggrFunc] // Default "SUM". Can be any Aggregate function


Code: Select all

XBROWSER oCn:PivotArray( "pivotdata", "REGION", "PRODUCT", "sales" ) ;


Re: FWH 16.08 : Built-in MySql/MariaDB functionality (Updated )

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 3:10 pm
by karinha
Very good!!! Fantastic job!!!

Regards, saludos.

Re: FWH 16.08 : Built-in MySql/MariaDB functionality (Updated )

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 4:28 am
by dutch
METHOD Cancel() --> Cancels the pending updates/append

How do I know that data pending for updates (rowset has changed)?

Thanks for any help.

Re: FWH 16.08 : Built-in MySql/MariaDB functionality (Updated )

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 8:21 pm
by vinhesoft

What is the method for deleting a database?

OCn: DeleteDB (cDB)
OCn: DropDB (cDB)
OCn: Delete (cDB)
OCn: Drop (cDB)

I just managed this way:

OCn: QueryResult ('drop databases' + cDB)

Is there any method for this?


João Carlos

Re: FWH 16.08 : Built-in MySql/MariaDB functionality (Updated )

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 8:58 pm
by vilian
I think there is no a function to do this yet.