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Re: FWH64

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 5:56 pm
by Antonio Linares

> there are still numerous issues being resolved with the existing version

What issues are them ?

IMO FWH 64 is rock solid same as FWH 32.

FiveDBU, Fivedit, etc. all are working fine on 64 bits.

Re: FWH64

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:23 pm
by rhlawek
A few years ago using FWH 64 bit was a little rocky, but I've used it for years now with msvc64 and harbour and am quite happy with how it behaves.

I have only two outstanding issues with 64 bit FWH. For some reason drag and drop does not work correctly with a 64 bit app. You can drop a folder or a file on a 64 bit window and it will accept the drop, but the array that winds up being passed in aFiles is always empty. No issues with 32 bit at all in this regard.

The other issue has to do with using the aMinMaxInfo array to set min/max sizes for the main window. I protect the call to set these values so that they don't get used when running 64 bit. The follow code works perfectly fine in 32 bit, but if I allow the aMinMaxInfo to be set in a 64 bit app it will GPF every time. I've tried to figure this one out but no luck so far, and to be honest haven't revisited it in a while.

I usually protect this at runtime as follows, but it is just as easy to use an #ifdef to to conditionally hide this code snippet at compile time.

Code: Select all

IF ! Is64bitApp()
   ::windows[ cWindowName ]:aMinMaxInfo := { ;
      xMaxSize,      yMaxSize,      ;                    // xMaxSize,      yMaxSize
      xMaxPosition,  yMaxPosition,  ;                    // xMaxPosition,  yMaxPosition
      xMinTrackSize, yMinTrackSize, ;                    // xMinTrackSize, yMinTrackSize
      xMaxSize - xMaxPosition, yMaxSize - yMaxPosition } // xMaxTrackSize, yMaxTrackSize

Re: FWH64

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 12:29 am
by TimStone

As I tell my clients all of the time, the key to frustration free computing is to report any problems immediately. I can't tell you how often people will finally mention an issue "off hand" that has plagued them for many months.

The same goes for our tools. We need to keep reporting the issues so those who are working on the functions and classes can know what is having problems and fix them. That makes this forum such a strong resource.

The more people who work with the 64 bit version, the more input to developers and the better that library becomes.


Re: FWH64

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 7:13 am
by Antonio Linares

I am emailing you modified FWH 64 libs to test aMinMaxInfo and to confirm the wrong behavior of drag and
drop (you will get a visual confirmation).

You can test both using FWH\samples\testsize.prg and testdrop.prg

many thanks for your feedback

Re: FWH64

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 9:23 pm
by Antonio Linares
FWH 64 for Visual Studio Community 2015 is ready :-)

We will publish it with the next FWH version

in the meantime, if you want to use them, please let me know it. This offer is only valid for current users of FWH 64 16.02

Re: FWH64

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 10:31 pm
by Marc Vanzegbroeck
Antonio Linares wrote:FWH 64 for Visual Studio Community 2015 is ready :-)

We will publish it with the next FWH version

in the meantime, if you want to use them, please let me know it. This offer is only valid for current users of FWH 64 16.02
Very nice Antonio, I will order it immediately :D , or it not included in the FWH 64 - Promotional offer yet?

Re: FWH64

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 10:56 pm
by Antonio Linares

You can order it and we will provide you the Visual Community 2015 FWH libs by email


Re: FWH64

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 11:36 pm
by Antonio Linares
Harbour 3.2 64 bits for Visual Studio Community 2015: ... 16&t=32135

Re: FWH64

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 1:44 pm
by rhlawek

You and I exchanged emails on this already, but I want to share here that the 64 bit library fixes the resizing issue I noted so that is good now. And it added a bit more instrumentation for the drag and drop issue, which isn't fixed yet but is being actively worked.

As always, thank you.


Re: FWH64

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 5:34 pm
by Antonio Linares

many thanks for your feedback

The resize issue is solved. The drag & drop issue still is failing. Not sure how we may be able to fix it,
as it seems as HDROP has an invalid value, but the HDROP handle is being properly passed from C to high PRG level

Re: FWH64

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 8:57 pm
by Marc Vanzegbroeck
Order placed :D :D :D :D

Re: FWH64

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 8:10 am
by Antonio Linares
many thanks :-)

Re: FWH64

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 3:50 pm
by TimStone
Antonio and Robb,

I thought I'd ask before trying to test this. I have several libraries I use with my primary application and all work fine with the 32 bit program.

Do I need to find 64 bit versions of those ( which may be cost prohibitive ) or will the 32 bit libs link into the 64 bit build.

Example: Calendar, Spell Checker ... and what about ADS libs ?


Re: FWH64

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 4:54 pm
by Antonio Linares

> Do I need to find 64 bit versions of those

Yes, of course

Re: FWH64

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 6:47 pm
by TimStone
So I will want to do some testing with FWH 64, but I also need some 64 bit libs:

For ADS: RDDADS.lib and ACE32.lib ( which I suppose would be ACE64.lib )

FOR TIP/SSL: hbtipssl.lib and hbssl.lib

And compatible for WS2_32.lib

Also, I am using Wintertree's spell checker in my application. It was common many years ago, but only in 32 bit. To get the current version would be $700 U.S. which is rather steep. Does anyone use a different spell checker in FWH apps they can recommend that would be more affordable, and work with both Win32 and Win64 ?
