Page 2 of 3

Re: Introducing the new FW Strings API

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:38 am
by nageswaragunupudi
Sharing the progress so far:

#1). Implemented for languages: 1. English, 2. Spanish, 3. French, 4. Portugese, 5. German and 6. Italian

#2) By default, language is set initially on the basis of result of HB_LangSelect().

#3) It is possible to change the language at runtime or initially by FWSetLanguage( nLang ) irrespective of HB_LangSelect()

#4) New Language translations can be added at runtime, for any language not covered by above) by calling

FWAddLanguage( aNewTranslates ) --> nNewLangNo
where aNewTranslates is a single dimentional array containing translates for the new language, in the same order as the array in the strings.prg

#5) Rightclick Menu prompts of TRichEdit and MemoGet also are adopted.

French and Portugese translates are adopted from the postings made above.

For the purpose of testing, we relied on Google Translate for German and Italian. We also added some new translates for RichEdit and MemoGet based on Google Translates.

In the next post we post the translates adopted for each language. We sincerely request cooperation of our friends to rectify/improve the translates for final incorporation.

Re: Introducing the new FW Strings API

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:43 am
by nageswaragunupudi
richard-service wrote:Antonio,
May I set nLanguage 4 = Traditional Chinese?
It is possible to add any language dynamically by calling
FWAddLanguage( aTranslates ) --> nNewLangID

Re: Introducing the new FW Strings API

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:47 am
by nageswaragunupudi
Spanish Translates

Code: Select all

aSpanish := {{ "Attention", "Atención" }, ;
   { "PDF Plugin Error", "Error del plugin de PDF" }, ;
   { "PDF not saved to send Email", "No se ha guardado el PDF a enviar por email" }, ;
   { "MS Word not installed", "MS Word no está instalado" }, ;
   { "Failed to Create Word Document", "No se ha podido crear el documento de Word" }, ;
   { "There is no output for export", "No hay nada que exportar" }, ;
   { "No .Doc file manipulation software installed", "No hay instalado software para usar ficheros .Doc" }, ;
   { "not found, imposible to continue", "no se ha encontrado, no se puede continuar" }, ;
   { "Printing Error", "Error de impresión" }, ;
   { "View", "¿ Visualizar" }, ;
   { "Excel not installed", "Excel no está instalado" }, ;
   { "Report width is greater than page width", "El ancho del reporte es mayor que el ancho de la página" }, ;
   { "Export to Excel is available only", "Solo está disponible exportar a Excel" }, ;
   { "for Reports with ::bInit defined", "para reportes con ::bInit definido" }, ;
   { "Printing Preview", "Previsualización de Impresión" }, ;
   { "&File", "&Fichero" }, ;
   { "&Print", "&Imprimir" }, ;
   { "Print actual page", "Imprimir la página actual" }, ;
   { "&Exit", "&Salir" }, ;
   { "Exit from preview", "Salir de la previsualización" }, ;
   { "Page", "Página" }, ;
   { "&First", "&Primera" }, ;
   { "Go to first page", "Ir a la primera página" }, ;
   { "&Previous", "&Anterior" }, ;
   { "Go to previous page", "Ir a la página anterior" }, ;
   { "&Next", "&Siguiente" }, ;
   { "Go to next page", "Ir a la siguiente página" }, ;
   { "&Last", "&Ultima" }, ;
   { "Go to last page", "Ir a la última página" }, ;
   { "&Zoom", "&Zoom" }, ;
   { "Page zoom", "zoom de página" }, ;
   { "&Normal", "&Normal" }, ;
   { "Page unzoom", "Página normal" }, ;
   { "&Factor", "&Factor" }, ;
   { "Zoom factor", "Factor de zoom" }, ;
   { "Factor", "Factor" }, ;
   { "&Two pages", "&Dos páginas" }, ;
   { "Preview on two pages", "Previsualización en dos páginas" }, ;
   { "One &page", "Una &página" }, ;
   { "Preview on one page", "Previsualización en una página" }, ;
   { "Page number:", "Número de página:" }, ;
   { "Go to first page", "Ir a la primera página" }, ;
   { "First", "Primera" }, ;
   { "&Page", "&Página" }, ;
   { "Preview on one page", "Previsualización en una página" }, ;
   { "Previous", "Anterior" }, ;
   { "Next", "Siguiente" }, ;
   { "Last", "Ultima" }, ;
   { "Zoom", "Aumentar" }, ;
   { "Two pages", "Dos páginas" }, ;
   { "Print", "Imprimir" }, ;
   { "Save to DOC/PDF", "Guardar como DOC/PDF" }, ;
   { "DOC Format", "Formato DOC" }, ;
   { "PDF Format", "Formato PDF" }, ;
   { "Export to PDF", "Exportar a PDF" }, ;
   { "Send by email as PDF", "Enviar por email como PDF" }, ;
   { "Export to MS Word", "Exportar a MS Word" }, ;
   { "Export to Excel", "Exportar a Excel" }, ;
   { "Exit", "Salir" }, ;
   { "Preview", "Previsualización" }, ;
   { "Save as", "Guardar como" }, ;
   { "Printing", "Imprimiendo" }, ;
   { "&Ok", "&Aceptar" }, ;
   { "&Cancel", "&Cancelar" }, ;
   { "Printing range", "Rango de impresión" }, ;
   { "All", "Todo" }, ;
   { "Current page", "Página actual" }, ;
   { "Pages", "Páginas" }, ;
   { "From", "Desde" }, ;
   { "To", "Hasta" }, ;
   { "Undo", "Deshacer" }, ;
   { "Redo", "Rehacer" }, ;
   { "Cut", "Cortar" }, ;
   { "Copy", "Copiar" }, ;
   { "Paste", "Pegar" }, ;
   { "Delete", "Eliminar" }, ;
   { "Font", "Font" }, ;
   { "Print", "Imprimir" }, ;
   { "Select All", "Seleccionar Todo" }, ;
   { "Align", "Alinear" }, ;
   { "Left", "Izquierda" }, ;
   { "Center", "Center" }, ;
   { "Right", "Derecha" }, ;
   { "Justify", "Justificar" }}

Re: Introducing the new FW Strings API

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:50 am
by nageswaragunupudi
French Translates

Code: Select all

aFrench := {{ "Attention", "Attention" }, ;
   { "PDF Plugin Error", "Erreur de plugin du PDF" }, ;
   { "PDF not saved to send Email", "PDF Non enregistré pour envoi Email" }, ;
   { "MS Word not installed", "MS Word non installé" }, ;
   { "Failed to Create Word Document", "Echec à la création du document Word" }, ;
   { "There is no output for export", "Rien à exporter" }, ;
   { "No .Doc file manipulation software installed", "Pas de programme installé pour manipuler les fichiers .Doc" }, ;
   { "not found, imposible to continue", "Pas trouvé, impossible de continuer" }, ;
   { "Printing Error", "Error de impresión" }, ;
   { "View", "Visualiser" }, ;
   { "Excel not installed", "Excel non installé" }, ;
   { "Report width is greater than page width", "Largeur du Rapport supérieure à la largeur de la page" }, ;
   { "Export to Excel is available only", "Export vers Excel uniquement disponible" }, ;
   { "for Reports with ::bInit defined", "pour Rapports avec ::bInit défini" }, ;
   { "Printing Preview", "visualisation de l'impression" }, ;
   { "&File", "&Fichier" }, ;
   { "&Print", "&Imprimer" }, ;
   { "Print actual page", "Imprimer la Page en Cours" }, ;
   { "&Exit", "&Quitter" }, ;
   { "Exit from preview", "Quitter la Visualisation" }, ;
   { "Page", "Page" }, ;
   { "&First", "&Première" }, ;
   { "Go to first page", "Aller à la première page" }, ;
   { "&Previous", "&Précédente" }, ;
   { "Go to previous page", "Aller à la page précédente" }, ;
   { "&Next", "&Suivante" }, ;
   { "Go to next page", "Aller à la page suivante" }, ;
   { "&Last", "&Dernière" }, ;
   { "Go to last page", "Aller à la dernière page" }, ;
   { "&Zoom", "&Zoom" }, ;
   { "Page zoom", "zoom de la page" }, ;
   { "&Normal", "&Normal" }, ;
   { "Page unzoom", "Page normale" }, ;
   { "&Factor", "&Facteur" }, ;
   { "Zoom factor", "Facteur de Zoom" }, ;
   { "Factor", "Facteur" }, ;
   { "&Two pages", "&Deux pages" }, ;
   { "Preview on two pages", "Visualiser sur deux pages" }, ;
   { "One &page", "une &page" }, ;
   { "Preview on one page", "Visualiser sur une page" }, ;
   { "Page number:", "Numéro de la Page:" }, ;
   { "Go to first page", "Aller à la première page" }, ;
   { "First", "Première" }, ;
   { "&Page", "&Page" }, ;
   { "Preview on one page", "Visualiser sur une page" }, ;
   { "Previous", "Précédent" }, ;
   { "Next", "Suivant" }, ;
   { "Last", "Dernière" }, ;
   { "Zoom", "Zoom" }, ;
   { "Two pages", "Deux pages" }, ;
   { "Print", "Imprimer" }, ;
   { "Save to DOC/PDF", "Enregistrer Format DOC/PDF" }, ;
   { "DOC Format", "Format DOC" }, ;
   { "PDF Format", "Format PDF" }, ;
   { "Export to PDF", "Exporter en PDF" }, ;
   { "Send by email as PDF", "Evnoi par email format PDF" }, ;
   { "Export to MS Word", "Exporter vers MS Word" }, ;
   { "Export to Excel", "Exporter vers Excel" }, ;
   { "Exit", "Quitter" }, ;
   { "Preview", "Visualisation" }, ;
   { "Save as", "Enregistrer Sous" }, ;
   { "Printing", "Impression" }, ;
   { "&Ok", "&OK" }, ;
   { "&Cancel", "&Annuler" }, ;
   { "Printing range", "Portée Impression" }, ;
   { "All", "Toutes" }, ;
   { "Current page", "Page en cours" }, ;
   { "Pages", "Pages" }, ;
   { "From", "De" }, ;
   { "To", "A" }, ;
   { "Undo", "Undo" }, ;
   { "Redo", "Rétablir" }, ;
   { "Cut", "couper" }, ;
   { "Copy", "Copier" }, ;
   { "Paste", "coller" }, ;
   { "Delete", "Supprimer" }, ;
   { "Font", "Caractères" }, ;
   { "Print", "Imprimer" }, ;
   { "Select All", "Sélectionner Tout" }, ;
   { "Align", "Aligner" }, ;
   { "Left", "Gauche" }, ;
   { "Center", "Center" }, ;
   { "Right", "Droite" }, ;
   { "Justify", "Justifier" }}

Re: Introducing the new FW Strings API

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 7:03 am
by nageswaragunupudi

Code: Select all

aPortugese := {{ "Attention", "Atenção" }, ;
   { "PDF Plugin Error", "Erro do plugin do PDF" }, ;
   { "PDF not saved to send Email", "PDF não foi salvo para mandar por email" }, ;
   { "MS Word not installed", "MS Word não está instalado" }, ;
   { "Failed to Create Word Document", "Não foi possível criar o documento do Word" }, ;
   { "There is no output for export", "Nada para exportar" }, ;
   { "No .Doc file manipulation software installed", "Não há software instalado para usar arquivos .Doc" }, ;
   { "not found, imposible to continue", "não encontrado, impossível continuar" }, ;
   { "Printing Error", "Erro de impressão" }, ;
   { "View", "Visualizar" }, ;
   { "Excel not installed", "Excel não está instalado" }, ;
   { "Report width is greater than page width", "A largura do relátorio é maior que a página" }, ;
   { "Export to Excel is available only", "Somente a exportação para o Excel está disponível" }, ;
   { "for Reports with ::bInit defined", "para relatórios com ::bInit definido" }, ;
   { "Printing Preview", "Previsualização da impressão" }, ;
   { "&File", "Ar&quivos" }, ;
   { "&Print", "&Imprimir" }, ;
   { "Print actual page", "Imprimir a página atual" }, ;
   { "&Exit", "&Sair" }, ;
   { "Exit from preview", "Sair da previsualização" }, ;
   { "Page", "Página" }, ;
   { "&First", "&Primeira" }, ;
   { "Go to first page", "Ir para primeira página" }, ;
   { "&Previous", "&Anterior" }, ;
   { "Go to previous page", "Ir para página anterior" }, ;
   { "&Next", "Pró&xima" }, ;
   { "Go to next page", "Ir para a próxima página" }, ;
   { "&Last", "Ú&ltima" }, ;
   { "Go to last page",}, ;
   { "&Zoom", "&Zoom" }, ;
   { "Page zoom", "zoom da página" }, ;
   { "&Normal", "&Normal" }, ;
   { "Page unzoom", "Página normal" }, ;
   { "&Factor", "&Fator" }, ;
   { "Zoom factor", "Fator de zoom" }, ;
   { "Factor", "Fator" }, ;
   { "&Two pages", "&Duas páginas" }, ;
   { "Preview on two pages", "Previsualização em duas páginas" }, ;
   { "One &page", "Uma pá&gina" }, ;
   { "Preview on one page", "Previsualização em uma página" }, ;
   { "Page number:", "Número de página:" }, ;
   { "Go to first page", "Ir para a primeira página" }, ;
   { "First", "Primeira" }, ;
   { "&Page", "Pá&gina" }, ;
   { "Preview on one page", "Previsualização em uma página" }, ;
   { "Previous", "Anterior" }, ;
   { "Next", "Próxima" }, ;
   { "Last", "Última" }, ;
   { "Zoom", "Aumentar" }, ;
   { "Two pages", "Duas páginas" }, ;
   { "Print", "Imprimir" }, ;
   { "Save to DOC/PDF", "Salvar como DOC/PDF" }, ;
   { "DOC Format", "Formato DOC" }, ;
   { "PDF Format", "Formato PDF" }, ;
   { "Export to PDF", "Exportar para PDF" }, ;
   { "Send by email as PDF", "Enviar PDF por email" }, ;
   { "Export to MS Word", "Exportar para MS Word" }, ;
   { "Export to Excel", "Exportar para Excel" }, ;
   { "Exit", "Sair" }, ;
   { "Preview", "Previsualização" }, ;
   { "Save as", "Salvar como" }, ;
   { "Printing", "Imprimindo" }, ;
   { "&Ok", "C&onfirmar" }, ;
   { "&Cancel", "&Cancelar" }, ;
   { "Printing range", "Intervalo de impressão" }, ;
   { "All", "Todo" }, ;
   { "Current page", "Página atual" }, ;
   { "Pages", "Páginas" }, ;
   { "From", "De" }, ;
   { "To", "Até" }, ;
   { "Undo", "desfazer" }, ;
   { "Redo", "refazer" }, ;
   { "Cut", "Corte" }, ;
   { "Copy", "cópia" }, ;
   { "Paste", "colar" }, ;
   { "Delete", "excluir" }, ;
   { "Font", "Font" }, ;
   { "Print", "Imprimir" }, ;
   { "Select All", "Selecionar tudo" }, ;
   { "Align", "alinhar" }, ;
   { "Left", "à esquerda" }, ;
   { "Center", "center" }, ;
   { "Right", "certo" }, ;
   { "Justify", "justificar" }}

Re: Introducing the new FW Strings API

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 7:06 am
by nageswaragunupudi

Code: Select all

aGerman := {{ "Attention", "Achtung" }, ;
   { "PDF Plugin Error", "PDF Plugin Fehler" }, ;
   { "PDF not saved to send Email", "PDF nicht gespeichert. um E-Mail zu senden" }, ;
   { "MS Word not installed", "MS Word nicht installiert ist" }, ;
   { "Failed to Create Word Document", "Fehler beim Word-Dokument erstellen" }, ;
   { "There is no output for export", "Es erfolgt keine Ausgabe für den Export" }, ;
   { "No .Doc file manipulation software installed", "Keine. Doc Dateimanipulation Software installiert haben" }, ;
   { "not found, imposible to continue", "Nicht gefunden. imposible fortsetzen" }, ;
   { "Printing Error", "Druckfehler" }, ;
   { "View", "Sehen Sie" }, ;
   { "Excel not installed", "Excel nicht installiert" }, ;
   { "Report width is greater than page width", "Melden Breite größer als Seitenbreite" }, ;
   { "Export to Excel is available only", "Excel-Export ist nur verfügbar" }, ;
   { "for Reports with ::bInit defined", "Für Berichte mit :: bInit definiert" }, ;
   { "Printing Preview", "Printing Preview" }, ;
   { "&File", "Datei" }, ;
   { "&Print", "Print" }, ;
   { "Print actual page", "Aktuelle Seite ausdrucken" }, ;
   { "&Exit", "Exit" }, ;
   { "Exit from preview", "Verlassen Sie Vorschau" }, ;
   { "Page", "Seite" }, ;
   { "&First", "Zuerst" }, ;
   { "Go to first page", "Zur ersten Seite" }, ;
   { "&Previous", "Zurück" }, ;
   { "Go to previous page", "Zur vorherigen Seite" }, ;
   { "&Next", "Weiter" }, ;
   { "Go to next page", "Gehe zur nächsten Seite" }, ;
   { "&Last", "Last" }, ;
   { "Go to last page", "Zur letzten Seite" }, ;
   { "&Zoom", "Zoom" }, ;
   { "Page zoom", "Seite Zoom" }, ;
   { "&Normal", "Normal" }, ;
   { "Page unzoom", "Seite unzoom" }, ;
   { "&Factor", "Factor" }, ;
   { "Zoom factor", "Zoom-Faktor" }, ;
   { "Factor", "Factor" }, ;
   { "&Two pages", "Zwei Seiten" }, ;
   { "Preview on two pages", "Vorschau auf zwei Seiten" }, ;
   { "One &page", "Eine Seite" }, ;
   { "Preview on one page", "Vorschau auf einer Seite" }, ;
   { "Page number:", "Seitenzahl:" }, ;
   { "Go to first page", "Zur ersten Seite" }, ;
   { "First", "Zuerst" }, ;
   { "&Page", "Seite" }, ;
   { "Preview on one page", "Vorschau auf einer Seite" }, ;
   { "Previous", "Zurück" }, ;
   { "Next", "Weiter" }, ;
   { "Last", "Last" }, ;
   { "Zoom", "Zoom" }, ;
   { "Two pages", "Zwei Seiten" }, ;
   { "Print", "Print" }, ;
   { "Save to DOC/PDF", "Zu den DOC / PDF" }, ;
   { "DOC Format", "DOC-Format" }, ;
   { "PDF Format", "PDF-Format" }, ;
   { "Export to PDF", "Export nach PDF" }, ;
   { "Send by email as PDF", "Senden Sie per E-Mail als PDF" }, ;
   { "Export to MS Word", "Export nach MS Word" }, ;
   { "Export to Excel", "Excel-Export" }, ;
   { "Exit", "Exit" }, ;
   { "Preview", "Vorschau" }, ;
   { "Save as", "Speichern unter" }, ;
   { "Printing", "Druck" }, ;
   { "&Ok", "Ok" }, ;
   { "&Cancel", "Abbrechen" }, ;
   { "Printing range", "Druckbereich" }, ;
   { "All", "Alle" }, ;
   { "Current page", "Diese Seite" }, ;
   { "Pages", "Seiten" }, ;
   { "From", "Aus" }, ;
   { "To", "Um" }, ;
   { "Undo", "Rückgängig" }, ;
   { "Redo", "Redo" }, ;
   { "Cut", "Schneiden" }, ;
   { "Copy", "Kopieren" }, ;
   { "Paste", "Einfügen" }, ;
   { "Delete", "Löschen" }, ;
   { "Font", "Shrift" }, ;
   { "Print", "Print" }, ;
   { "Select All", "Alle Auswählen" }, ;
   { "Align", "Ausrichten" }, ;
   { "Left", "Linke" }, ;
   { "Center", "Center" }, ;
   { "Right", "Richtig" }, ;
   { "Justify", "Rechtfertigen" }}

Re: Introducing the new FW Strings API

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 7:08 am
by nageswaragunupudi

Code: Select all

aItalian := {{ "Attention", "Attenzione" }, ;
   { "PDF Plugin Error", "Errore del plug PDF" }, ;
   { "PDF not saved to send Email", "PDF non salvato per inviare e-mail" }, ;
   { "MS Word not installed", "MS Word non è installata" }, ;
   { "Failed to Create Word Document", "Impossibile creare il documento di Word" }, ;
   { "There is no output for export", "Non vi è alcuna uscita per l'esportazione" }, ;
   { "No .Doc file manipulation software installed", "Nessun installato. Software di manipolazione di file Doc" }, ;
   { "not found, imposible to continue", "Non trovata. imposible di continuare" }, ;
   { "Printing Error", "Errore di stampa" }, ;
   { "View", "Guarda" }, ;
   { "Excel not installed", "Non Excel" }, ;
   { "Report width is greater than page width", "Rapporto larghezza è maggiore della larghezza pagina" }, ;
   { "Export to Excel is available only", "Esporta in Excel è disponibile solo" }, ;
   { "for Reports with ::bInit defined", "Per i Rapporti con definito ::bInit" }, ;
   { "Printing Preview", "Anteprima di stampa" }, ;
   { "&File", "File" }, ;
   { "&Print", "Stampa" }, ;
   { "Print actual page", "Stampa pagina reale" }, ;
   { "&Exit", "Exit" }, ;
   { "Exit from preview", "Esci da anteprima" }, ;
   { "Page", "Pagina" }, ;
   { "&First", "Prima" }, ;
   { "Go to first page", "Vai alla prima pagina" }, ;
   { "&Previous", "Precedente" }, ;
   { "Go to previous page", "Vai alla pagina precedente" }, ;
   { "&Next", "Successiva" }, ;
   { "Go to next page", "Vai alla pagina successiva" }, ;
   { "&Last", "Ultimo" }, ;
   { "Go to last page", "Vai all'ultima pagina" }, ;
   { "&Zoom", "Zoom" }, ;
   { "Page zoom", "Zoom della pagina" }, ;
   { "&Normal", "Normale" }, ;
   { "Page unzoom", "Pagina eliminare lo zoom" }, ;
   { "&Factor", "Fattore" }, ;
   { "Zoom factor", "Fattore di zoom" }, ;
   { "Factor", "Fattore" }, ;
   { "&Two pages", "Due pagine" }, ;
   { "Preview on two pages", "Anteprima su due pagine" }, ;
   { "One &page", "Una pagina" }, ;
   { "Preview on one page", "Anteprima di una pagina" }, ;
   { "Page number:", "Numero di pagina:" }, ;
   { "Go to first page", "Vai alla prima pagina" }, ;
   { "First", "Prima" }, ;
   { "&Page", "Pagina" }, ;
   { "Preview on one page", "Anteprima di una pagina" }, ;
   { "Previous", "Precedente" }, ;
   { "Next", "Successiva" }, ;
   { "Last", "Ultimo" }, ;
   { "Zoom", "Zoom" }, ;
   { "Two pages", "Due pagine" }, ;
   { "Print", "Stampa" }, ;
   { "Save to DOC/PDF", "Salva per DOC / PDF" }, ;
   { "DOC Format", "DOC Formato" }, ;
   { "PDF Format", "Formato PDF" }, ;
   { "Export to PDF", "Esportazione in formato PDF" }, ;
   { "Send by email as PDF", "Invia per e-mail in formato PDF" }, ;
   { "Export to MS Word", "Esporta in MS Word" }, ;
   { "Export to Excel", "Esporta in Excel" }, ;
   { "Exit", "Exit" }, ;
   { "Preview", "Anteprima" }, ;
   { "Save as", "Salva con nome" }, ;
   { "Printing", "Stampa" }, ;
   { "&Ok", "Ok" }, ;
   { "&Cancel", "Annulla" }, ;
   { "Printing range", "Gamma di stampa" }, ;
   { "All", "Tutto" }, ;
   { "Current page", "La pagina corrente" }, ;
   { "Pages", "Pagine" }, ;
   { "From", "Da" }, ;
   { "To", "A" }, ;
   { "Undo", "Undo" }, ;
   { "Redo", "Redo" }, ;
   { "Cut", "Tagliare" }, ;
   { "Copy", "Copia" }, ;
   { "Paste", "Incolla" }, ;
   { "Delete", "Elimina" }, ;
   { "Font", "Carattere" }, ;
   { "Print", "Stampa" }, ;
   { "Select All", "Seleziona Tutto" }, ;
   { "Align", "Allineare" }, ;
   { "Left", "Sinistra" }, ;
   { "Center", "Centro" }, ;
   { "Right", "Giusto" }, ;
   { "Justify", "Giustificare" }}

Re: Introducing the new FW Strings API

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 9:10 am
by lucasdebeltran

These are spanish revised:

aSpanish := {{ "Attention", "Atención" }, ;
{ "PDF Plugin Error", "Error del plugin de PDF" }, ;
{ "PDF not saved to send Email", "No se ha guardado el PDF a enviar por Email" }, ;
{ "MS Word not installed", "MS Word no está instalado" }, ;
{ "Failed to Create Word Document", "No se ha podido crear el documento de Word" }, ;
{ "There is no output for export", "No hay nada que exportar" }, ;
{ "No .Doc file manipulation software installed", "No hay instalado software para usar ficheros .Doc" }, ;
{ "not found, imposible to continue", "no se ha encontrado, no se puede continuar" }, ;
{ "Printing Error", "Error de impresión" }, ;
{ "View", "¿ Visualizar ?" }, ;
{ "Excel not installed", "Excel no está instalado" }, ;
{ "Report width is greater than page width", "El ancho del informe es mayor que el ancho de la página" }, ;
{ "Export to Excel is available only", "Solo está disponible exportar a Excel" }, ;
{ "for Reports with ::bInit defined", "para reportes con ::bInit definido" }, ;
{ "Printing Preview", "Previsualización de Impresión" }, ;
{ "&File", "&Fichero" }, ;
{ "&Print", "&Imprimir" }, ;
{ "Print actual page", "Imprimir la página actual" }, ;
{ "&Exit", "&Salir" }, ;
{ "Exit from preview", "Salir de la previsualización" }, ;
{ "Page", "Página" }, ;
{ "&First", "&Primera" }, ;
{ "Go to first page", "Ir a la primera página" }, ;
{ "&Previous", "&Anterior" }, ;
{ "Go to previous page", "Ir a la página anterior" }, ;
{ "&Next", "&Siguiente" }, ;
{ "Go to next page", "Ir a la siguiente página" }, ;
{ "&Last", "&Ultima" }, ;
{ "Go to last page", "Ir a la última página" }, ;
{ "&Zoom", "&Zoom" }, ;
{ "Page zoom", "Página ampliada con zoom" }, ;
{ "&Normal", "&Normal" }, ;
{ "Page unzoom", "Página normal" }, ;
{ "&Factor", "&Factor" }, ;
{ "Zoom factor", "Factor de zoom" }, ;
{ "Factor", "Factor" }, ;
{ "&Two pages", "&Dos páginas" }, ;
{ "Preview on two pages", "Previsualización en dos páginas" }, ;
{ "One &page", "Una &página" }, ;
{ "Preview on one page", "Previsualización en una página" }, ;
{ "Page number:", "Número de página:" }, ;
{ "Go to first page", "Ir a la primera página" }, ;
{ "First", "Primera" }, ;
{ "&Page", "&Página" }, ;
{ "Preview on one page", "Previsualización en una página" }, ;
{ "Previous", "Anterior" }, ;
{ "Next", "Siguiente" }, ;
{ "Last", "Ultima" }, ;
{ "Zoom", "Aumentar" }, ;
{ "Two pages", "Dos páginas" }, ;
{ "Print", "Imprimir" }, ;
{ "Save to DOC/PDF", "Guardar como DOC/PDF" }, ;
{ "DOC Format", "Formato DOC" }, ;
{ "PDF Format", "Formato PDF" }, ;
{ "Export to PDF", "Exportar a PDF" }, ;
{ "Send by email as PDF", "Enviar por email como PDF" }, ;
{ "Export to MS Word", "Exportar a MS Word" }, ;
{ "Export to Excel", "Exportar a Excel" }, ;
{ "Exit", "Salir" }, ;
{ "Preview", "Previsualización" }, ;
{ "Save as", "Guardar como" }, ;
{ "Printing", "Imprimiendo" }, ;
{ "&Ok", "&Aceptar" }, ;
{ "&Cancel", "&Cancelar" }, ;
{ "Printing range", "Rango de impresión" }, ;
{ "All", "Todo" }, ;
{ "Current page", "Página actual" }, ;
{ "Pages", "Páginas" }, ;
{ "From", "Desde" }, ;
{ "To", "Hasta" }, ;
{ "Undo", "Deshacer" }, ;
{ "Redo", "Rehacer" }, ;
{ "Cut", "Cortar" }, ;
{ "Copy", "Copiar" }, ;
{ "Paste", "Pegar" }, ;
{ "Delete", "Eliminar" }, ;
{ "Font", "Fuente" }, ;
{ "Print", "Imprimir" }, ;
{ "Select All", "Seleccionar Todo" }, ;
{ "Align", "Alinear" }, ;
{ "Left", "Izquierda" }, ;
{ "Center", "Centro" }, ;
{ "Right", "Derecha" }, ;
{ "Justify", "Justificar" }}

There were few errors

Thank you so much.

Re: Introducing the new FW Strings API

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 9:31 am
by StefanHaupt
some changes in the german translation

Code: Select all

    aGerman := {{ "Attention", "Achtung" }, ;
       { "PDF Plugin Error", "PDF Plugin Fehler" }, ;
       { "PDF not saved to send Email", "PDF nicht gespeichert. um E-Mail zu senden" }, ;
       { "MS Word not installed", "MS Word ist nicht installiert" }, ;
       { "Failed to Create Word Document", "Fehler beim Erstellen des Word-Dokumentes" }, ;
       { "There is no output for export", "Es erfolgt keine Ausgabe für den Export" }, ;
       { "No .Doc file manipulation software installed", "Keine Software für das Bearbeiten von Doc-Dateien installiert" }, ;
       { "not found, imposible to continue", "Nicht gefunden. Fortsetzung nicht mögich" }, ;
       { "Printing Error", "Druckfehler" }, ;
       { "View", "Ansicht" }, ;
       { "Excel not installed", "Excel nicht installiert" }, ;
       { "Report width is greater than page width", "Berichtbreite größer als Seitenbreite" }, ;
       { "Export to Excel is available only", "Nur Excel-Export ist verfügbar" }, ;
       { "for Reports with ::bInit defined", "Für Berichte mit :: bInit definiert" }, ;
       { "Printing Preview", "Druckvorschau" }, ;
       { "&File", "Datei" }, ;
       { "&Print", "Drucken" }, ;
       { "Print actual page", "Aktuelle Seite ausdrucken" }, ;
       { "&Exit", "Beenden" }, ;
       { "Exit from preview", "Vorschau beenden" }, ;
       { "Page", "Seite" }, ;
       { "&First", "Erste" }, ;
       { "Go to first page", "Zur ersten Seite" }, ;
       { "&Previous", "vorherige" }, ;
       { "Go to previous page", "Zur vorherigen Seite" }, ;
       { "&Next", "nächste" }, ;
       { "Go to next page", "Gehe zur nächsten Seite" }, ;
       { "&Last", "Letzte" }, ;
       { "Go to last page", "Zur letzten Seite" }, ;
       { "&Zoom", "Vergrößern" }, ;
       { "Page zoom", "Seite vergrößern" }, ;
       { "&Normal", "Normal" }, ;
       { "Page unzoom", "Seite verkleinern" }, ;
       { "&Factor", "Faktor" }, ;
       { "Zoom factor", "Vergrößerungs-Faktor" }, ;
       { "Factor", "Faktor" }, ;
       { "&Two pages", "Zwei Seiten" }, ;
       { "Preview on two pages", "Vorschau auf zwei Seiten" }, ;
       { "One &page", "Eine Seite" }, ;
       { "Preview on one page", "Vorschau auf einer Seite" }, ;
       { "Page number:", "Seitenzahl:" }, ;
       { "Go to first page", "Zur ersten Seite" }, ;
       { "First", "Erste" }, ;
       { "&Page", "Seite" }, ;
       { "Preview on one page", "Vorschau auf einer Seite" }, ;
       { "Previous", "Vorherige" }, ;
       { "Next", "Nächste" }, ;
       { "Last", "Letzte" }, ;
       { "Zoom", "Vergrößern" }, ;
       { "Two pages", "Zwei Seiten" }, ;
       { "Print", "Drucken" }, ;
       { "Save to DOC/PDF", "Speichern als DOC / PDF" }, ;
       { "DOC Format", "DOC-Format" }, ;
       { "PDF Format", "PDF-Format" }, ;
       { "Export to PDF", "Export nach PDF" }, ;
       { "Send by email as PDF", "Senden per E-Mail als PDF" }, ;
       { "Export to MS Word", "Export nach MS Word" }, ;
       { "Export to Excel", "Export nach Excel" }, ;
       { "Exit", "Beenden" }, ;
       { "Preview", "Vorschau" }, ;
       { "Save as", "Speichern unter" }, ;
       { "Printing", "Drucken" }, ;
       { "&Ok", "Ok" }, ;
       { "&Cancel", "Abbrechen" }, ;
       { "Printing range", "Druckbereich" }, ;
       { "All", "Alle" }, ;
       { "Current page", "Aktuelle Seite" }, ;
       { "Pages", "Seiten" }, ;
       { "From", "von" }, ;
       { "To", "bis" }, ;
       { "Undo", "Rückgängig" }, ;
       { "Redo", "Wiederholen" }, ;
       { "Cut", "Schneiden" }, ;
       { "Copy", "Kopieren" }, ;
       { "Paste", "Einfügen" }, ;
       { "Delete", "Löschen" }, ;
       { "Font", "Schriftart" }, ;
       { "Print", "Druck" }, ;
       { "Select All", "Alle auswählen" }, ;
       { "Align", "Ausrichten" }, ;
       { "Left", "Links" }, ;
       { "Center", "Zentriert" }, ;
       { "Right", "Rechts" }, ;
       { "Justify", "Ausrichten" }}

Re: Introducing the new FW Strings API

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 1:55 pm
by Richard Chidiak
French translations revised

thank you


aFrench := {{ "Attention", "Attention" }, ;
{ "PDF Plugin Error", "Erreur de plugin du PDF" }, ;
{ "PDF not saved to send Email", "PDF Non enregistré pour envoi Email" }, ;
{ "MS Word not installed", "MS Word non installé" }, ;
{ "Failed to Create Word Document", "Echec à la création du document Word" }, ;
{ "There is no output for export", "Rien à exporter" }, ;
{ "No .Doc file manipulation software installed", "Pas de programme installé pour manipuler les fichiers .Doc" }, ;
{ "not found, imposible to continue", "Pas trouvé, impossible de continuer" }, ;
{ "Printing Error", "Erreur impressión" }, ;
{ "View", "Visualiser" }, ;
{ "Excel not installed", "Excel non installé" }, ;
{ "Report width is greater than page width", "Largeur du Rapport supérieure à la largeur de la page" }, ;
{ "Export to Excel is available only", "Export vers Excel uniquement disponible" }, ;
{ "for Reports with ::bInit defined", "pour Rapports avec ::bInit défini" }, ;
{ "Printing Preview", "visualisation de l'impression" }, ;
{ "&File", "&Fichier" }, ;
{ "&Print", "&Imprimer" }, ;
{ "Print actual page", "Imprimer la Page en Cours" }, ;
{ "&Exit", "&Quitter" }, ;
{ "Exit from preview", "Quitter la Visualisation" }, ;
{ "Page", "Page" }, ;
{ "&First", "&Première" }, ;
{ "Go to first page", "Aller à la première page" }, ;
{ "&Previous", "&Précédente" }, ;
{ "Go to previous page", "Aller à la page précédente" }, ;
{ "&Next", "&Suivante" }, ;
{ "Go to next page", "Aller à la page suivante" }, ;
{ "&Last", "&Dernière" }, ;
{ "Go to last page", "Aller à la dernière page" }, ;
{ "&Zoom", "&Zoom" }, ;
{ "Page zoom", "zoom de la page" }, ;
{ "&Normal", "&Normal" }, ;
{ "Page unzoom", "Page normale" }, ;
{ "&Factor", "&Facteur" }, ;
{ "Zoom factor", "Facteur de Zoom" }, ;
{ "Factor", "Facteur" }, ;
{ "&Two pages", "&Deux pages" }, ;
{ "Preview on two pages", "Visualiser sur deux pages" }, ;
{ "One &page", "une &page" }, ;
{ "Preview on one page", "Visualiser sur une page" }, ;
{ "Page number:", "Numéro de la Page:" }, ;
{ "Go to first page", "Aller à la première page" }, ;
{ "First", "Première" }, ;
{ "&Page", "&Page" }, ;
{ "Preview on one page", "Visualiser sur une page" }, ;
{ "Previous", "Précédente" }, ;
{ "Next", "Suivante" }, ;
{ "Last", "Dernière" }, ;
{ "Zoom", "Zoom" }, ;
{ "Two pages", "Deux pages" }, ;
{ "Print", "Imprimer" }, ;
{ "Save to DOC/PDF", "Enregistrer Format DOC/PDF" }, ;
{ "DOC Format", "Format DOC" }, ;
{ "PDF Format", "Format PDF" }, ;
{ "Export to PDF", "Exporter en PDF" }, ;
{ "Send by email as PDF", "Evnoi par email format PDF" }, ;
{ "Export to MS Word", "Exporter vers MS Word" }, ;
{ "Export to Excel", "Exporter vers Excel" }, ;
{ "Exit", "Quitter" }, ;
{ "Preview", "Visualisation" }, ;
{ "Save as", "Enregistrer Sous" }, ;
{ "Printing", "Impression" }, ;
{ "&Ok", "&OK" }, ;
{ "&Cancel", "&Annuler" }, ;
{ "Printing range", "Portée Impression" }, ;
{ "All", "Toutes" }, ;
{ "Current page", "Page en cours" }, ;
{ "Pages", "Pages" }, ;
{ "From", "De" }, ;
{ "To", "A" }, ;
{ "Undo", "Annuler" }, ;
{ "Redo", "Rétablir" }, ;
{ "Cut", "couper" }, ;
{ "Copy", "Copier" }, ;
{ "Paste", "coller" }, ;
{ "Delete", "Supprimer" }, ;
{ "Font", "Police" }, ;
{ "Print", "Imprimer" }, ;
{ "Select All", "Sélectionner Tout" }, ;
{ "Align", "Aligner" }, ;
{ "Left", "Gauche" }, ;
{ "Center", "Centrer" }, ;
{ "Right", "Droite" }, ;
{ "Justify", "Justifier" }}

Re: Introducing the new FW Strings API

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 2:12 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
Thanks to Mr Lucas and Mr Richard.
Adopted revised translations for Spanish and French.

Re: Introducing the new FW Strings API

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 9:19 pm
by FiveWiDi
La verdad yo prefiero usar traduccciones basadas en ficheros INI, así no preciso tocar funciones de la aplicación y compilar y compilar...

Mi método es:
1º escribo la aplicación en un idioma predeterminado.
En todos los textos (pantallas, menús e informes) uso mi propia función: GetTrad( "lo que sea")
2ª cuando se va usando la áplicación, se va generando automáticamente entradas en el fichero INI para los literales que no contenga, precedidos de un guión bajo ( _ ).
3º desde la propia aplicación puedo substituir esos literales no traducidos.
4ª desde la propia aplicación se puede crear un nuevo idioma.

La aplicación no permite modificar el idioma predeterminado.
Los textos a traducir sólo se buscan una vez en el fichero, las siguientes en una array que se va llenando según se requieran.

Ejemplo de fichero INI:

||~AMPA32, G~|estió de |~F~|acturacions de l'|~AMPA (~|domiciliacions, famílies, pares, alumnes, rebuts)|=|AMPA32, Gestió de Facturacions de l'AMPA (domiciliacions, famílies, pares, alumnes, rebuts)|
| |~F~|itxers &|~M~|estres|=| Fitxers &Mestres|
|&|~F~|amílies |~AMPA|=|&Famílies AMPA|
|&|~C~|onceptes |~P~|lantilla|=|&Conceptes Plantilla|
|&|~D~|omiciliacions |~AMPA|=|&Domiciliacions AMPA|
|(*) |~L'I~|dioma |~CAT ~|no és modificable.|=|(*) L'Idioma CAT no és modificable.|

||~AMPA32, G~|estió de |~F~|acturacions de l'|~AMPA (~|domiciliacions, famílies, pares, alumnes, rebuts)|=|AMPA32, Gestión de Facturaciones de la AMPA (domiciliaciones, families, padres, alumnos, recibos)|
| |~F~|itxers &|~M~|estres|=| Ficheros &Maestros|
|&|~F~|amílies |~AMPA|=|&Familias AMPA|
|&|~C~|onceptes |~P~|lantilla|=|&Conceptos Plantilla|
|&|~D~|omiciliacions |~AMPA|=|&Domiciliaciones AMPA|
|(*) |~L'I~|dioma |~CAT ~|no és modificable.|=|(*) El Idioma CAT no es modificable.|

Cada idioma contiene los textos del predeterminado y su traducción.

Era solo para compartir mi solución.
Ahora a ver quién es el generoso que lo traduce al inglés.


Re: Introducing the new FW Strings API

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 9:35 pm
by Antonio Linares

Its a good solution your way, thanks for sharing it, but our target is to remove the need for an external file, before it would be the DLL and now it would be the INI file.

What we have already got is that FWH EXEs don't need any external file (except FreeImage.dll, that we may also remove in a near future).


Es un buen sistema el que propones, gracias por compartirlo, pero el objetivo nuestro es eliminar la necesidad de un fichero adicional, antes la DLL y ahora sería el INI.

El objetivo conseguido es que el EXE no precise de nada externo, ni DLLs, ni INIs, (aun queda por eliminar el uso de la librería FreeImage.dll que quisieramos eliminar tambien pronto).

Re: Introducing the new FW Strings API

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:41 am
by FiveWiDi
Antonio Linares wrote:Carlos,

Its a good solution your way, thanks for sharing it, but our target is to remove the need for an external file, before it would be the DLL and now it would be the INI file.

What we have already got is that FWH EXEs don't need any external file (except FreeImage.dll, that we may also remove in a near future).


Es un buen sistema el que propones, gracias por compartirlo, pero el objetivo nuestro es eliminar la necesidad de un fichero adicional, antes la DLL y ahora sería el INI.

El objetivo conseguido es que el EXE no precise de nada externo, ni DLLs, ni INIs, (aun queda por eliminar el uso de la librería FreeImage.dll que quisieramos eliminar tambien pronto).

Por favor hacedlo como dice Rao, arrays bidimensionales con el idioma "predeterminado" y su traducción. Da libertad de ampliación y de "movimiento".

Re: Introducing the new FW Strings API

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:24 am
by lucasdebeltran

I have tested Mr. Rao´s implementation and it does work perfect. Hope Antonio extend to the rest of the lib.

The language is detected automatically and it is a very interesting feature, freeing me to translate the sources every release of FWH.

And it is very important the goal achieved: no external files are required. The lesser external files, less troubles with users and less complaints ;).

Also, even freeimage could be in the future converted as a .lib.

Great work Antonio and Nages.