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Re: How to connect FiveWin with Mysql

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:59 pm
by dutch
Dear Antonio,

I have change to MySql 3.51 and set as your mention but it's still not working (same error)
Antonio Linares wrote:Dutch,

Please try it with these connections values:


the older one seems to be no longer available

Re: How to connect FiveWin with Mysql

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:34 am
by StefanHaupt

I´m using these functions to connect to a MySql server 5.1. I don´t use AdoRdd at the moment, but maybe these functions are helpful.

Code: Select all

FUNCTION Connect (cHost, cUser, cPass, oStatus)

  oServer := TMySQLServer():New(cHost, cUser, cPass)
  if oServer:NetErr()
     MsgAlert (oServer:Error(),"MySQL Error")
     lConnected := .t.
     oStatus:SetText ("angemeldet als: " + cUser + " an: " + cHost)

RETURN (nil)

FUNCTION DisConnect (oStatus)

  IF oServer <> nil
    oServer:End ()
    oStatus:SetText ("abgemeldet")
    oServer := nil

RETURN (nil)

Be aware, that all parameters are case-sensitive !