Source code for Tree32.lib

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Source code for Tree32.lib

Post by hterce »


I'm trying to recompile an old application using the new new xHarbour but its using an old Tree32.lib. Does anybody still has the source code of the Tree32.lib that I can recompile? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Antonio Linares
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Post by Antonio Linares »


Please don't link that library and lets see what unresolved externals you get, thanks
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Post by hterce »


The following Unresolved Externals are generated if I don't link the Tree32.lib:


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Post by Antonio Linares »


Please post here the linker output, to see where those functions are used from, thanks
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Post by hterce »

Those functions are called inside a different version of the TTreeview Class (too long to include in this post) that was downloaded years ago and is already part of the program. The methods were totally different from the built-in FW TTreeview class.
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Post by Antonio Linares »

It is called "Goran's Tree".

We are searching for it, to provide it to you :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Hello Bert,

I have a copy of "Goran's Tree" Source with my personal changes.

In case you want it, please e-mail me to ""

I could not upload it to "HYPERUPLOAD.COM". The site is not found !.

- Ramesh Babu P
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Post by Antonio Linares »


Please upload it to and post the download url here, thanks
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Post by Antonio Linares »


You can download it from here:
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Post by hterce »


Antonio and Ramesh, thanks for the help. First thing I did was include the treedraw.c in the xbuildw wizard. However, I got a bunch errors from the treedraw.c file and the Include files. Here are some of the compiler errors generated:

D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winbase.h(19): error: Macro redefinition of 'Yield'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winbase.h(2248): error: Macro redefinition of 'lstrcmp'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winbase.h(2250): error: Macro redefinition of 'lstrcpyn'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winbase.h(2251): error: Macro redefinition of 'lstrcpy'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winbase.h(2253): error: Macro redefinition of 'lstrlen'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winbase.h(2288): error: Macro redefinition of 'AddAtom'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winbase.h(2289): error: Macro redefinition of 'FindAtom'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\wingdi.h(3823): error: Macro redefinition of 'CreateDC'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\wingdi.h(3825): error: Macro redefinition of 'CreateFont'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\wingdi.h(3826): error: Macro redefinition of 'CreateIC'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\wingdi.h(3832): error: Macro redefinition of 'EnumFonts'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\wingdi.h(3863): error: Macro redefinition of 'ResetDC'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\wingdi.h(3870): error: Macro redefinition of 'StartDoc'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\wingdi.h(3871): error: Macro redefinition of 'GetObject'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\wingdi.h(3872): error: Macro redefinition of 'TextOut'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\wingdi.h(3873): error: Macro redefinition of 'ExtTextOut'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winuser.h(4516): error: Macro redefinition of 'AnsiToOem'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winuser.h(4517): error: Macro redefinition of 'OemToAnsi'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winuser.h(4520): error: Macro redefinition of 'AnsiUpper'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winuser.h(4522): error: Macro redefinition of 'AnsiLower'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winuser.h(4797): error: Macro redefinition of 'wsprintf'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winuser.h(4809): error: Macro redefinition of 'GetMessage'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winuser.h(4835): error: Macro redefinition of 'DialogBox'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winuser.h(4867): error: Macro redefinition of 'LoadMenu'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winuser.h(4871): error: Macro redefinition of 'InsertMenu'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winuser.h(4872): error: Macro redefinition of 'AppendMenu'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winuser.h(4873): error: Macro redefinition of 'ModifyMenu'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winuser.h(4877): error: Macro redefinition of 'DrawText'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winuser.h(4883): error: Macro redefinition of 'SetProp'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winuser.h(4884): error: Macro redefinition of 'GetProp'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winuser.h(4885): error: Macro redefinition of 'RemoveProp'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winuser.h(4891): error: Macro redefinition of 'MessageBox'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winuser.h(4902): error: Macro redefinition of 'FindWindow'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winuser.h(4907): error: Macro redefinition of 'LoadBitmap'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winuser.h(4908): error: Macro redefinition of 'LoadCursor'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winuser.h(4910): error: Macro redefinition of 'LoadIcon'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winuser.h(4912): error: Macro redefinition of 'LoadString'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winuser.h(4921): error: Macro redefinition of 'WinHelp'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winreg.h(211): error: Macro redefinition of 'RegEnumKey'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\winreg.h(215): error: Macro redefinition of 'RegOpenKey'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\lzexpand.h(37): error: Macro redefinition of 'LZOpenFile'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\mmsystem.h(2315): error: Macro redefinition of 'mmioOpen'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\shellapi.h(498): error: Macro redefinition of 'ShellAbout'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\commdlg.h(672): error: Macro redefinition of 'ChooseFont'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\commdlg.h(673): error: Macro redefinition of 'FindText'.
D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\win\commdlg.h(677): error: Macro redefinition of 'PrintDlg'.
.\ClipApi.h(66): error: Expecting an enumerator identifier.
.\ClipApi.h(66): error: Syntax error; found '0' expecting '}'.

.\ClipApi.h(418): error: Redeclaration of 'strlen' previously declared at D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\string.h(30): found 'unsigned short __cdecl function(char *)' expected 'unsigned int __cdecl function(const char *)'.
.\ClipApi.h(419): error: Redeclaration of 'strcpy' previously declared at D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\string.h(27): found 'void __cdecl function(unsigned char *, unsigned char *)' expected 'char * __cdecl function(restrict char *, restrict const char *)'.
.\ClipApi.h(420): error: Redeclaration of 'strcmp' previously declared at D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\string.h(25): found 'int __cdecl function(char *, char *)' expected 'int __cdecl function(const char *, const char *)'.
.\ClipApi.h(421): error: Redeclaration of 'strcat' previously declared at D:\COMPILER\xHB\c_include\string.h(23): found 'unsigned char * __cdecl function(unsigned char *, unsigned char *)' expected 'char * __cdecl function(restrict char *, restrict const char *)'.
.\ClipApi.h(457): warning: Missing type specifier.
NEWTREE\TREEDRAW.C(36): warning: Missing prototype for 'TreeMeasur'.
NEWTREE\TREEDRAW.C(52): warning: Missing prototype for 'TreeDrawIt'.
NEWTREE\TREEDRAW.C(95): warning: Missing prototype for '_MoveTo'.
NEWTREE\TREEDRAW.C(101): warning: Missing prototype for '_MoveTo'.
NEWTREE\TREEDRAW.C(107): warning: Missing prototype for '_MoveTo'.
NEWTREE\TREEDRAW.C(117): warning: Missing prototype for '_MoveTo'.
NEWTREE\TREEDRAW.C(177): warning: Missing prototype for '_MoveTo'.
NEWTREE\TREEDRAW.C(215): warning: Missing prototype for 'GetTextExtent'.
NEWTREE\TREEDRAW.C(71): warning: Local 'sz' is not referenced.
NEWTREE\TREEDRAW.C(69): warning: Local 'rect' is not referenced.
NEWTREE\TREEDRAW.C(278): warning: Missing prototype for 'LbxGetID'.
NEWTREE\TREEDRAW.C(289): warning: Missing prototype for 'LBGETRECT'.
NEWTREE\TREEDRAW.C(297): warning: Overflow in converting constant expression from 'unsigned int' to 'unsigned short'.
NEWTREE\TREEDRAW.C(298): warning: Overflow in converting constant expression from 'unsigned int' to 'unsigned short'.
NEWTREE\TREEDRAW.C(299): warning: Overflow in converting constant expression from 'unsigned int' to 'unsigned short'.
NEWTREE\TREEDRAW.C(300): warning: Overflow in converting constant expression from 'unsigned int' to 'unsigned short'.
NEWTREE\TREEDRAW.C(305): warning: Inconsistent linkage for 'LineToDot' previously declared at NEWTREE\TREEDRAW.C(14).
NEWTREE\TREEDRAW.C(315): warning: Missing prototype for '_MoveTo'.
NEWTREE\TREEDRAW.C(321): warning: Inconsistent linkage for 'FrameDot' previously declared at NEWTREE\TREEDRAW.C(15).
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Hello hterce,

There is no problem with my copy of TREEVIEW.C. It is getting compiled
well here with me.

Which version of FWH you are using ?

- Ramesh Babu P
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Hello Bert,

Plase check your inbox.


- Ramesh Babu P
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Re: Source code for Tree32.lib

Post by AlexSchaft »


Sorry to be bumping an old topic as this, but I'm trying to get this lib as well as tsbutton to compile successfully under harbour 3 and mingw. Can anyone send me some hints?

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Antonio Linares
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Re: Source code for Tree32.lib

Post by Antonio Linares »

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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