UE Studio Config - Harbour 3.0, MSVC, FWH

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Re: UE Studio Config - Harbour 3.0, MSVC, FWH

Post by Otto »

I got from IDM an answer:

Hello Otto,

Thank you for your message. By default, Cmd1 would wait for Cmd0 to complete and there's nothing you can add that would change behavior at this level. I asked one of our developers about this and he said the problem is likely with what is occurring in the batch file you're calling. If that process returns immediately then the next command would be initiated.

Thanks, Troy

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Re: UE Studio Config - Harbour 3.0, MSVC, FWH

Post by cnavarro »

With Fivedit you can run several .bat files depending on when you want them to run :D
C. Navarro
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Re: UE Studio Config - Harbour 3.0, MSVC, FWH

Post by vilian »

Hi Guys,

How could I config the UE Studio to show FWH syntax highlighting? Is it possible ?
Vilian F. Arraes
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Giovany Vecchi
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Re: UE Studio Config - Harbour 3.0, MSVC, FWH

Post by Giovany Vecchi »

For years I created a UEW the way I wanted. Most to work you have to follow some rules in the prgs source code.
The problem that occurs in uestudio is the delimited folders. As harbor language follows a style of exit procedure with random RETURNS, you will have to follow these rules.
Following in the examples below I will discriminate white spaces with the character +
Every function should start without spaces, for example:

FUNCTION MYFUNC () //> Correct
+++ FUNCTION MYFUNC () //> wrong
In the case of RETURN you also have to follow the rule to close the function or procedure or method.

Example 01

RETURN NIL //> Correct

Example 02

+++ RETURN NIL //> wrong, will not close function correctly

Now for when to use RETURNS in the range of functions:
Example 03 is wrong
IF VAR == 0
RETURN .F. //> there will be a break in the function here

Example 04 is correct
FUNCTION MYFUNC () // start without leading spaces
+++ IF VAR == 0 // With spaces
++++++ RETURN .F. //> All returns with spaces are ignored
RETURN .T. // No leading spaces

This UEW has many harbor functions that will be displayed simultaneously as you type.

The UETMPLTE.TPL file has almost all Fivewin commands. Replace it from UeStudio in GROBAL templates.
To work just start typing according to the names of the templates. Example for the Fivewin DIALOG command.

type: _fw_dialog

Download the compressed file at this link: https://filebin.net/ybxc3cfbwp0o02b8/Ue ... t=ldkt6nxm

For any other questions, please contact me.
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Re: UE Studio Config - Harbour 3.0, MSVC, FWH

Post by vilian »

Thanks Giovanny,
Where must I save the files includeds in 7z file ?
Vilian F. Arraes
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Giovany Vecchi
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Re: UE Studio Config - Harbour 3.0, MSVC, FWH

Post by Giovany Vecchi »

Hi Vilian
The Harbour.uew file you define in the project in wordfiles.

It is the global template file you edit the file and paste the contents of UETMPLTE.TPL that is on 7z or replace it with uestudio.
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Re: UE Studio Config - Harbour 3.0, MSVC, FWH

Post by vilian »

Thanks Giovanny,

The first file i have installed with sucess and the syntaxhighlithing is perfect now. The second file I didn't understand where i must put its content.
I'm also not having sucess to use auto complete resource of UE.

Could you help me ?
Vilian F. Arraes
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Re: UE Studio Config - Harbour 3.0, MSVC, FWH

Post by Giovany Vecchi »

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