Problem with TrayIcon

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Problem with TrayIcon

Post by shark »

When exit program loaded in Tray the icon does not disappear.
Program quit but, the icon on Tray, only disappear when I mouse over.

can anyone give me a hint of what to do to remove the Tray icon when I close the program?

I create the icon in Tray da with the class TTrayicon with the following code:

Code: Select all

oTray := TTrayIcon():New( oWndTray, oTrayIcon, "Sistema Gerenciador" )

oTray:bLButtonUp  := { | nRow, nCol | TaskMenu( nRow, nCol - 5 ) }
oTray:bRButtonUp  := { | nRow, nCol | TaskMenu( nRow, nCol - 5 ) }

oTray:oNotifyIcon := oTrayIcon
On the quit program execute:

Code: Select all





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Re: Problem with TrayIcon

Post by rhlawek »

I see this behavior all the time with Windows 10, things like mail showing an icon for new mail, but then not clearing after reading without mousing over the icon. And also left behind in the same way when closing an application, close the app and the icon stays visible until a mouse over. MalwareBytes for example behaves this way. Not at all unique to a fivewin app but it could still be common to whatever is being done, or not done, when closing apps.
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Re: Problem with TrayIcon

Post by shark »

The problem only occurs when closed in tray through another executable with command:

PostMessage (hCtrl, WM_CLOSE, 2)

When exit program normaly, the icon disappears correctly.
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Re: Problem with TrayIcon

Post by Uwe.Diemer »

Hello ich have the same problem

Any news about it ???

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Re: Problem with TrayIcon

Post by Uwe.Diemer »

Any News about This ???
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