To Nages : Problem With Dragand Drop

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To Nages : Problem With Dragand Drop

Post by Silvio.Falconi »

In a pizzeria, customers may pay a table with a separate account


I created a table inserting all the commodity products in that table
And I wanted to transfer with the mouse or by pressing the button the products from the first table to the second table

Everything works well, but a product may have variants attached ( see the V last column)

And when I pass a product that has the variants I also wanted to automatically transfer the product variants

How I can make it ?

this the source

Code: Select all

#include ""
#include ""
#include ""



function Contoseparato()
   // Numero dello scontrino o numero del tavolo
  // quanti coperti cioè quante persone
  // cameriere

   local oDlgDivide, oCursor, oLbx, oLbx2
   local cItem:=""
   Local nScontrino:="0006"
   Local cTitle :=".:: Conto separato ::.   "+"|"+nScontrino
   Local nCoperti:= 2

   Local aBtnScrollBrw:=array(4)    //Touch btns for scrolling
   Local aBtnDropBrw:=array(2)      //Touch btns for drag and drop

   Local aVars     := { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}  //totali browse 1
   Local aVars2    := { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}  //totali browse 2
   Local oSaysTxt:=array(5)     //totali browse 1
   Local oSaysGet:=array(5)     //totali browse 1
   Local oSaysTxt1:=array(5)   //totali browse 2
   Local oSaysGet1:=array(5)    //totali browse 2
   Local oGr1,oGr2

   // MISURE INIZIALI della dialog
      Local nBottom   := 49
      Local nRight    := 132
      Local nWidth :=  Max( nRight * DLG_CHARPIX_W, 180 )
      Local nHeight := nBottom * DLG_CHARPIX_H

      Local arrayTicket:= {}
      Local arrayTicketNew:= {}

      Local nProdotti:= 0
      Local nPrezzo:=0
      Local nImporto:=0
      Local nQuantita := 0
      Local nTotaleRiga:= 0
      Local nImponibile:= 0

      Local oFntGets                 := TFont():New( "Segoe UI",  0, ( 40 ), .f., .f. )
      Local oFntSaysTxt              := TFont():New( "Segoe UI",  0, ( 22 ), .f., .t. )
      RddSetDefault( "DBFCDX" )
      SetHandleCount( 100 )

      INDEX ON upper(NUMDOC)+Upper(numriga) TAG MESACON  TO CONSUM  for !deleted()

           DO WHILE ! CO->(EoF())
              IF CO->NUMDOC==nScontrino
                 AAdd( arrayTicket, {CO->Cantidad,;
                                     CO->Numriga  } )


       aVars[1] := nProdotti
       aVars2[1] := nProdotti

       aVars[2] := nCoperti
       aVars2[2] := nCoperti

   DEFINE CURSOR oCursor hand

   DEFINE DIALOG oDlgDivide      ;
TITLE cTitle     ;

   @ 2,5 XBROWSE oLbx OF oDlgDivide ;
      SIZE 200, 200  NOBORDER  STYLE  2015

   oLbx:aCols[1]:cHeader  := i18n("Qta")
   oLbx:aCols[1]:nWidth   := 30
   oLbx:aCols[2]:cHeader  := i18n("Descrizione")
   oLbx:aCols[2]:nWidth   := 80
   oLbx:aCols[3]:cHeader  := i18n("Prezzo")
   oLbx:aCols[3]:nWidth   := 60
   oLbx:aCols[4]:cHeader  := i18n("Importo")
   oLbx:aCols[4]:nWidth   := 60
   oLbx:aCols[5]:cHeader  := i18n("Iva")
   oLbx:aCols[5]:nWidth   := 40
   oLbx:aCols[6]:cHeader  := i18n("Imponibile")
   oLbx:aCols[6]:nWidth   := 80

    oLbx:nHeaderHeight:= 30
    oLbx:nRowHeight  := 40
    oLbx:nColDividerStyle    := LINESTYLE_LIGHTGRAY
    oLbx:nRowDividerStyle    := LINESTYLE_LIGHTGRAY
    oLbx:nMarqueeStyle := MARQSTYLE_HIGHLROW
    oLbx:lHScroll      := .f.
    oLbx:lVScroll      := .f.

    oLbx:bClrStd := {|| { IIF(oLbx:aArrayData[1][7]="V", CLR_GRAY,CLR_BLUE),CLR_WHITE } }

   // Set a DropOver action for the ListBox
   oLbx:bDropOver = { | uDropInfo, nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags | ;
                        AAdd( oLbx:aArrayData,  oLbx2:aArrayData[ uDropInfo ] ), ;
                        ADel( oLbx2:aArrayData, uDropInfo, .t. ), ;
                        oLbx:Refresh(.t.), oLbx2:Refresh(.t.),;
                        SetTotals(oLbx,oLbx2,oDlgDivide,aVars,aVars2) }

   oLbx:oDragCursor = oCursor         // Select a Drag cursor

   oLbx:bDragBegin  = { | nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags | ;
                        SetDropInfo( oLbx:nArrayAt )   }


   @ 2, 35 XBROWSE oLbx2 OF oDlgDivide;
   COLUMNS 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6 ;
   HEADERS "Qta","Descrizione","Prezzo","Importo","Iva","Imponibile"   ;
   COLSIZES 30,80,60,60,40,80          ;
   ARRAY arrayTicketNew  SIZE 200, 200  NOBORDER  STYLE  2015

   oLbx2:nHeaderHeight:= 30
   oLbx2:nRowHeight  := 40
   oLbx2:nColDividerStyle    := LINESTYLE_LIGHTGRAY
   oLbx2:nRowDividerStyle    := LINESTYLE_LIGHTGRAY
   oLbx2:nMarqueeStyle       := MARQSTYLE_HIGHLROW

   oLbx2:lHScroll      := .f.
   oLbx2:lVScroll      := .f.

   oLbx2:bDropOver = { | uDropInfo, nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags | ;
                        AAdd( oLbx2:aArrayData,  oLbx:aArrayData[ uDropInfo ] ), ;
                        ADel( oLbx:aArrayData, uDropInfo, .t. ), ;
                        oLbx:Refresh(.t.), oLbx2:Refresh(.t.),;
                        SetTotals(oLbx,oLbx2,oDlgDivide,aVars,aVars2) }

   oLbx2:oDragCursor = oCursor         // Select a Drag cursor
   oLbx2:bDragBegin  = { | nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags | ;
                        SetDropInfo( oLbx2:nArrayAt ) }


 // For scroll the xbrowses

 @  50,6  BTNBMP  aBtnScrollBrw[1] OF  oDlgDivide SIZE 30, 30 PIXEL     Filename ".\bitmaps\BMP_UP_BTN.bmp"    NOBORDER    ;
                  ACTION ( oLbx:KeyDown(VK_UP, 0) ,oLbx:setfocus())
 @  180,6 BTNBMP aBtnScrollBrw[2]  OF  oDlgDivide SIZE 30, 30 PIXEL     Filename ".\bitmaps\BMP_DOWN_BTN.bmp"  NOBORDER    ;
                   ACTION (oLbx:KeyDown(VK_DOWN, 0) ,oLbx:setfocus())

 @  50,490  BTNBMP  aBtnScrollBrw[3] OF  oDlgDivide SIZE 30, 30 PIXEL  Filename ".\bitmaps\BMP_UP_BTN.bmp"    NOBORDER   ;
                  ACTION (oLbx2:KeyDown(VK_UP, 0) ,oLbx2:setfocus())
 @  180,490 BTNBMP aBtnScrollBrw[4]  OF  oDlgDivide SIZE 30, 30 PIXEL  Filename ".\bitmaps\BMP_DOWN_BTN.bmp"  NOBORDER    ;
                   ACTION (oLbx2:KeyDown(VK_DOWN, 0) ,oLbx2:setfocus())

 // For Drag and Drop  the xbrowses

  @  50,245 BTNBMP  aBtnDropBrw[1] OF  oDlgDivide SIZE 30, 30 PIXEL  Filename ".\bitmaps\dropin.bmp"   NOBORDER     ;
                  ACTION  ( AAdd( oLbx2:aArrayData,  oLbx:aArrayData[ oLbx:nRowSel ] ), ;
                                            ADel( oLbx:aArrayData, oLbx:nRowSel, .t. ), ;
                                              oLbx:Refresh(.t.), oLbx2:Refresh(.t.),;
                                              oLbx:setfocus() ,SetTotals(oLbx,oLbx2,oDlgDivide,aVars,aVars2))

   @  90,245  BTNBMP  aBtnDropBrw[2] OF  oDlgDivide SIZE 30, 30 PIXEL  Filename ".\bitmaps\dropout.bmp"  NOBORDER     ;
                  ACTION ( AAdd( oLbx:aArrayData,  oLbx2:aArrayData[ oLbx2:nRowSel ] ), ;
                                            ADel( oLbx2:aArrayData, oLbx2:nRowSel, .t. ), ;
                                              oLbx:Refresh(.t.), oLbx2:Refresh(.t.),;
                                              oLbx2:setfocus(),SetTotals(oLbx,oLbx2,oDlgDivide,aVars,aVars2) )

 // buttons at footer

   @ 2.7,43 button "Ricarica Conto originale" OF  oDlgDivide SIZE 120, 18 ;
                            PIXEL   ACTION NIL

   @ 2.7,200 button "Scompatta" OF  oDlgDivide SIZE 40, 18  PIXEL ;
                              ACTION  NIL

   @ 2.7,290 button "Nuovo Conto" OF  oDlgDivide SIZE 80, 18  PIXEL ;
                              ACTION NIL

    @ 329,390 button "Scontrino" OF  oDlgDivide SIZE 80, 18  PIXEL    ACTION NIL

 // For Totals  the xbrowses

  @ 230,20 GROUP oGr1 TO 298,250 PIXEL  OF oDlgDivide

  @  240, 40 SAY  oSaysTxt[1] PROMPT '#Prodotti:'  OF oDlgDivide  SIZE 400, 12 PIXEL FONT  oFntSaysTxt
  @  260, 40 SAY  oSaysTxt[2] PROMPT '#Coperti :'  OF oDlgDivide  SIZE 400, 12 PIXEL FONT  oFntSaysTxt
  @  240,130 SAY  oSaysTxt[3] PROMPT '#SubTotale:' OF oDlgDivide  SIZE 400, 12 PIXEL FONT  oFntSaysTxt
  @  260,130 SAY  oSaysTxt[4] PROMPT '#Servizio:'  OF oDlgDivide  SIZE 400, 12 PIXEL FONT  oFntSaysTxt
  @  280,130 SAY  oSaysTxt[5] PROMPT '#Totale:'    OF oDlgDivide  SIZE 400, 12 PIXEL FONT  oFntSaysTxt

  @  240,95 GET  oSaysGet[1] VAR aVars[1]   OF oDlgDivide ;
                    FONT oFntSaysTxt SIZE 30, 12 PIXEL PICTURE '999'  UPDATE READONLY    RIGHT

  @  260,95 GET  oSaysGet[2] VAR aVars[2]   OF oDlgDivide;
                    FONT oFntSaysTxt SIZE 30, 12 PIXEL PICTURE '999'    READONLY    RIGHT  UPDATE

  @  240,180 GET  oSaysGet[3] VAR aVars[3]    OF oDlgDivide;
             FONT oFntSaysTxt SIZE 55, 12 PIXEL PICTURE '99999,999.99' READONLY  RIGHT    UPDATE

  @  260,180 GET  oSaysGet[4] VAR aVars[4]  OF oDlgDivide;
             FONT oFntSaysTxt SIZE 55, 12 PIXEL PICTURE '99999,999.99'     READONLY  RIGHT  UPDATE

  @  280,180 GET  oSaysGet[5] VAR aVars[5]   OF oDlgDivide;
            FONT oFntSaysTxt SIZE 55, 12 PIXEL PICTURE '99999,999.99'  READONLY  RIGHT  UPDATE

  @  240,280 SAY  oSaysTxt1[1] PROMPT '#Prodotti:'  OF oDlgDivide  SIZE 400, 12 PIXEL FONT  oFntSaysTxt
  @  260,280 SAY  oSaysTxt1[2] PROMPT '#Coperti :'  OF oDlgDivide  SIZE 400, 12 PIXEL FONT  oFntSaysTxt
  @  240,370 SAY  oSaysTxt1[3] PROMPT '#SubTotale:' OF oDlgDivide  SIZE 400, 12 PIXEL FONT  oFntSaysTxt
  @  260,370 SAY  oSaysTxt1[4] PROMPT '#Servizio:'  OF oDlgDivide  SIZE 400, 12 PIXEL FONT  oFntSaysTxt
  @  280,370 SAY  oSaysTxt1[5] PROMPT '#Totale:'    OF oDlgDivide  SIZE 400, 12 PIXEL FONT  oFntSaysTxt

  @  240,335 GET  oSaysGet1[1] VAR aVars2[1]   OF oDlgDivide ;
                    FONT oFntSaysTxt SIZE 30, 12 PIXEL PICTURE '999'  UPDATE READONLY    RIGHT

  @  260,335 GET  oSaysGet1[2] VAR aVars2[2]   OF oDlgDivide;
                    FONT oFntSaysTxt SIZE 30, 12 PIXEL PICTURE '999'    READONLY    RIGHT  UPDATE

  @  240,420 GET  oSaysGet1[3] VAR aVars2[3]    OF oDlgDivide;
             FONT oFntSaysTxt SIZE 55, 12 PIXEL PICTURE '99999,999.99' READONLY  RIGHT    UPDATE

  @  260,420 GET  oSaysGet1[4] VAR aVars2[4]  OF oDlgDivide;
             FONT oFntSaysTxt SIZE 55, 12 PIXEL PICTURE '99999,999.99'     READONLY  RIGHT  UPDATE

  @  280,420 GET  oSaysGet1[5] VAR aVars2[5]   OF oDlgDivide;
            FONT oFntSaysTxt SIZE 55, 12 PIXEL PICTURE '99999,999.99'  READONLY  RIGHT  UPDATE

  Activate dialog oDlgDivide
  //ON INIT SetTotals(oLbx,oLbx2,oDlgDivide,aVars,aVars2)

return nil
I use : FiveWin for Harbour August 2020 (Revision) - Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1712141320) - Bcc7.30 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC
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Re: To Nages : Problem With Dragand Drop

Post by gabo »

You complicate life in the product table add a field for the name or reference of the customer. Make editable that column in the browse and go putting for each product to which client belongs.
1 caprese ....... peter or ch1 (ch=Chair)
1 lasagne........ jhon or ch2
1 tomato......... peter or ch1
1 coca cola...... jhon or ch2
1 beer corona.... charles or ch3
1 beef ............ charles or ch3
after you printer the count is easy and each client will have their own account
jhon ticket 100
peter ticket 105
charles ticket 102

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Posts: 4956
Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:17 pm

Re: To Nages : Problem With Dragand Drop

Post by Silvio.Falconi »

Gabo, I must make how I made I wish only transfer product with variant and make another ticketx for each customers
I use : FiveWin for Harbour August 2020 (Revision) - Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1712141320) - Bcc7.30 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC
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