Action em Tree

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Action em Tree

Post by gibaf »

Ola to all…. (I am new in the group)

1) Has as to make one tree (TTreeView) with opcao of ACTION (exactly she will be necessary to change the classroom)?
2) have as to change the source of tree?

I am very been thankful the group for the chance, or possibility of being able to clarify these you doubt!

Thanks a lot

Ola a todos.... (sou novo aki no grupo)

1) Tem como fazer um tree (TTreeView) com opcao de ACTION (mesmo se for preciso mudar a classe) ?
2) tem como mudar a fonte do tree ?

Fico muito agradecido ao grupo pela oportunidade, ou possibilidade de poder esclarecer essas duvidas !

Muito Obrigado

(Brasil - Toledo - PR)
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Antonio Linares
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Post by Antonio Linares »


Please review samples\TestTree.prg:

oTree:bChanged = { || oWnd:SetText( If( oTree:GetSelected():GetParent() != nil,;
oTree:GetSelected():GetParent():cPrompt + " + ", "" ) + ;
oTree:GetSelText() ) }
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Post by gibaf »

First, thanks for the reply.

Had seen and tested, but not was exatament what I am needing… The ACTION would be the idea!

Nor changing the classroom?

Thanks a lot!

OBS: sorry my ingles (hehehehe)
Posts: 15
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Post by gibaf »

Still I am needing. If they any person to souper and will be able to inform, I am been thankful to me!
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Antonio Linares
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Post by Antonio Linares »

Enter key is used to open and close a tree branch, so you should not use it to fire an action. You may use mouse double click event oTree:bLDblClick = { || MsgInfo( "double click" ) }
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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