Make a dialog never lost focus

Francisco Valério
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Make a dialog never lost focus

Post by Francisco Valério »


I need to make a dialog that never lost focus, if I click out the dialog, I need the dialog got focus again.

How can I do this ?
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Antonio Linares
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Re: Make a dialog never lost focus

Post by Antonio Linares »

You may try this:

oDlg:bLostFocus := { || oDlg:SetFocus() }
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
Francisco Valério
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Re: Make a dialog never lost focus

Post by Francisco Valério »

Antonio Linares wrote:You may try this:

oDlg:bLostFocus := { || oDlg:SetFocus() }
I already tried. And it doesn't work.

My app is running in tray, and when I get a command, the app show a dialog and this dialog cannot lost the focus.
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Re: Make a dialog never lost focus

Post by Antonio Linares »

A possible solution is to use the dialog style DS_SYSMODAL:


Though as the Microsoft docs specify, the user may select another window.

Have you considered to disable all other running apps windows ? Another choice is to capture the mouse.

What controls do you have on such dialog ?
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
Francisco Valério
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Re: Make a dialog never lost focus

Post by Francisco Valério »

How can I capture the mouse ??
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Re: Make a dialog never lost focus

Post by Antonio Linares »


regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
Francisco Valério
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Re: Make a dialog never lost focus

Post by Francisco Valério »

Antonio Linares wrote:Francisco,

Don't work. Capture the mouse neither the STYLE DS_SYSMODAL

Here is my code. It's a normal dialog and I need that the dialog never lost focus.

Code: Select all

function SelecionaFormaDePagamento( )

   local oFonte, oFonte2, oDialog, oLabel, nFormaSelecionada, hButton := HB_Hash()

   Define Font oFonte Name 'Arial' Size -0,20 bold
   Define Font oFonte2 Name 'Arial Black' Size -0,22// bold

   Define dialog oDialog resource "SELECIONADEBCRE" title "Gerenciador TEF -- PAGAMENTO" font oFonte

      oDialog:lTransparent := !IsAppThemed()

      redefine say oLabel id 5001 of oDialog color CLR_HRED ,CLR_WHITE font oFonte2

      redefine buttonbmp hButton['CartaoDebito' ] bitmap "CARTAO"           id 6001           of oDialog action( nFormaSelecionada := CARTAO_DEBITO_A_VISTA , oDialog:End() )     textright
      redefine buttonbmp hButton['CartaoCredito'] bitmap "CARTAO"           id 6002           of oDialog action( AcaoBotaoCredito( @nFormaSelecionada, oDialog ) )                 textright
      redefine buttonbmp hButton['Encerrar'     ] bitmap "M_EXIT"           id 6003           of oDialog action( oDialog:End() )        textright

      oDialog:lHelpIcon := .f.
      oDialog:bKeyDown  := {| nKey | FuncaoTeclas( nKey, hButton ) }
   activate dialog oDialog centered on init ( OnInit( oLabel, oDialog ) )


return nFormaSelecionada
static procedure OnInit( oLabel, oDialog )

   oLabel:SetText(CRLF+'Escolha a opcao desejada.')
   oLabel:lTransparent := .f.
   oLabel:SetColor( CLR_HRED ,CLR_WHITE )
   ForcaJanelaAparecer( oDialog )

static procedure AcaoBotaoCredito( nFormaSelecionada, oDialog )

   if SelecionaCreditoAVistaOuPrazo( @nFormaSelecionada )

static procedure FuncaoTeclas( nKey, hButton )

   if nKey == 49
      hButton['CartaoDebito' ]:Click()
   elseif nKey == 50
   elseif nKey == VK_F11
      hButton['Encerrar'     ]:Click()


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Re: Make a dialog never lost focus

Post by Antonio Linares »


Why don't you want it to never loose focus ?

What is that usefull for ?
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
Francisco Valério
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Re: Make a dialog never lost focus

Post by Francisco Valério »

It's an app business rule. The app is a payment system that works with credit card, and when I request to pay with the card, no other app can take the focus. So I need the dialog never lost focus.

Any other idea?
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Re: Make a dialog never lost focus

Post by Antonio Linares »


I can not understand why STYLE DS_SYSMODAL does not work for you

Are you able to click on other apps meanwhile it is shown ?
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
Francisco Valério
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Re: Make a dialog never lost focus

Post by Francisco Valério »


This is my app. The app run in tray, and in a command it opens a dialog.
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Re: Make a dialog never lost focus

Post by Antonio Linares »

Are you using STYLE DS_SYSMODAL to create it ?
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
Francisco Valério
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Re: Make a dialog never lost focus

Post by Francisco Valério »

Antonio Linares wrote:Are you using STYLE DS_SYSMODAL to create it ?
I only change:
Define dialog oDialog resource "SELECIONADEBCRE" title "Gerenciador TEF -- PAGAMENTO" font oFonte

Define dialog oDialog resource "SELECIONADEBCRE" title "Gerenciador TEF -- PAGAMENTO" font oFonte STYLE DS_SYSMODAL

Is it right? But it don't work too.
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Antonio Linares
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Re: Make a dialog never lost focus

Post by Antonio Linares »

Ok, I think I know how you may do it:

You may need to "cover" the entire desktop with a transparent dialog and then on top of it, place yours.

Today I am tired (I have been working many hours). I may help you later on or tomorrow, thanks
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
Francisco Valério
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Re: Make a dialog never lost focus

Post by Francisco Valério »

But will it work when the user press ALT+TAB ?

I'm working in another features in my app. Later I'll come back to the focus problem. But if you think in any solucion please tell me.
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