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Para Rene:

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 1:57 am
by reinaldocrespo

Hola. Te quise enviar este correo a tu buzón directamente, pero no tube suerte.

Ya sabes que acabo de comenzar con ADS. He logrado progreso con mis aplicaciones de Xharbour. Pero experimento problemas con las de clipper. Y es que tengo una aplicación en particular que comparte data con las demás aplicaciones de xharbour.

Te ruego que mires el mensaje abajo que envié a support, a ver si me puedes ayudar. Si? Y muchas gracias.

New to ADS. Just purchased and installed version 8.

I have a clipper app that shares data with an xharbour application. With the xharbour application I'm able to connect to the server ok. I was able to create a DD from source using xharbour. So this is working great.

But from the clipper app, I have no luck yet. I have no idea how to connect to the DD created by the xharbour app or simply connect to the server and start using the exisisting dbf/ntx files.

I wonder if I'm using the correct RDDs for clipper and if they are actually capable to connect to version 8 of the server.

Can someone please help?

Thank you,

Reinaldo Crespo-Bazán
fax: (720)368-9785