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Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 11:53 am
by hua

1. Initial test entry has been made at . I added some contents for the FAQ.

2. I recommend a general public user and password is published on the wiki. This way, it'll be easier for everyone to participate and vandalism by spam-bot is avoided.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 12:55 pm
by Antonio Linares
Very good! :-)

We want each contributor to use his unique login and password, so we can exactly know who is contributing and what is contributing

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 7:55 am
by hua
1. I notice Dokuwiki has rss feed. Anyone who wish to monitor the updates to the wiki can subscribe to it

2. Doug (xProgrammer) I noticed you started an entry on FiveLinux but the link to it somehow went AWOL. I've put back the link on the front page.

3. Others, especially those who are familiar with dokuwiki, are encourage to update/give feedback on how the organization of the wiki should go. As of now I'm just simply playing it by ear.

4. Anyone knows any speedy way to convert Fivewin help files to dokuwiki's format?

5. Those wishing to update the wiki are encourage to do so and contact Antonio for the user id/pwd