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New FTDN November/Noviembre 2010 (FWH 10.11)

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:05 am
by Antonio Linares
November 2010

* Enhancement: Functions GetProfString() and GetPvProfString(), increased to 4096 (was 1024)
the maximum length of a string read from the INI file.

* TXBrowse:

a) Fix: Method SelectCol(): Fixed runtime error when horizontal scroll is not used.
b) Improvement: Method ReArrangeCols( aNew, [lKeepRest := .f.], [lReNum := .f.] ). By default, the method renumbers the nCreationOrder of the rearranged columns sequentially. This renumbering can be prevented by specifying .f. as 3rd parameter.
c) New Methods:
(i) GetColsData( cMsg, [lByCreationOrder := .t.] ) --> aValues of data cMsg of all columns. Example: oBrw:GetColsData( "nWidth" ) --> { 100,120,30 }. By default, the values returned are in the sequence of nCreationOrder, despite a different visible order at the runtime. By specifying .f. as the optional parameter, the values are returned in the visible order.
(ii) SetColsData( cMsg, aNewValues/uNewValue, [lByCreationOrder := .t.] ). Second parameter can be an array of values, which will be sequentially assigned to the columns' data in order of nCreationOrder, by default or in the visible order of the columns if the third parameter is .f.. If the second parameter is not an array, the value is assigned to the specified data of all the columns.
(iii) oBrw:cMsgs uses the above methods.
d) Fix: Methods SaveState and RestoreState now work correctly. For versions 10.9 and 10.10, the fix posted in the forums may be applied.
e) Improvement: object inspector to structures (TStruct Class)

* Enhancement: Class TCalendar activated double buffer

* Fix: Class TMail fixed GPF

* Fix: Class TXbrowse, drag inside browse is working fine now,
reported by Otto: ... 56#p105556

* Enhancement: Class TXbrowse, added new Data bOnPreEdit, codeblock to be evaluated after build
get object in edit mode

* Enhancement: function uCharToVal, recognizes .T./.F. values to maintain compatibility with
inverse function cValToChar

* Fix: FWH 64 Bits, Function LoadString working ok

* Improvement: CLASS TTVItem
a) added METHOD GetState(), new Method to retrive current state of a item
b) added METHOD IsExpanded() easy way to get Expanded state
c) added METHOD IsSelected() easy way to get selected state
d) added METHOD ItemLevel(), retrieve the level of item

* New Class TSelex, check samples testselx.prg

* Fix: Class TWebCam, now work properlly in Harbour

* Enhancement: Class TWebCam
a) added DATA bPainted, now we can paint over video
b) Error Messages now is displayed in English
c) added Method SetError( aError ) to change default messages error
d) added Method SetRate( nRate ) to change refresh rate
e) added command @ x, y
f) added clause ADJUST, ON ERROR, RATE
g) added new Function GetVideoCapDriver(), to enumerate capture devices
h) added Methods to record video
(i) SetFile( cFile )
(ii) StartCapture( [cFile] )
(iii) StopCapture()
i) added Method GetSatus to fill structure pStatus (CAPSTATUS Structure win api)
j) added method to retrieve dimensions of video
(i) GetWidth()
(ii) GetHeight()
remarks: the control can be 640x480 and video 320x240, the video is adjusted to control area