New FTDN October/Octubre (FWH 10.10)

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Antonio Linares
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New FTDN October/Octubre (FWH 10.10)

Post by Antonio Linares »

October 2010

* Fix: Class TRBtn toggles popup show.

* Fix: Class TControl did a flickering refresh when clicking on a radio button or a checkbox.

* Enhancement: function cGetFile(), increased used memory to store more files names from

* Fix: Both functions LoadLibrary() and FreeLibrary() are properly working for FWH 64 bits.
We have to pay special attention when managing "long long" pointers (64 bits).

* Fix: GIF files support are properly working form FWH 64 bits. Some changes were

* Fix: FWH 64 bits, non modal dialog boxes created from resources are properly working!

* Fix: SkinButtons(), Now pushbuttons only fire their action once. Commented in: ... 8&start=15

* Enhancement: TFolderEx class, added FONT and TRANSPARENT clause,
sugestions by Günther ( ... 34#p105734)

* Fix: Class TBtnBmp paint transparent bitmap with themes activated

* Fix: Class Dialog, added exception to paint DBCOMBOS in dialog with transparent clause

* Fix: Class Say to paint in transparent mode

* Fix: Function DibWrite, now work properly

* Enhancement: Function BmpToStr, simplified code to work same way DibWrite function
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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