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Controlling alignment of SAYs

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 11:33 am
by xProgrammer
Hi Antonio (and fellow FiveLinuxers)

I have enhanced the TSay class so you can set the alignment of your SAYs.

In says.c:

Code: Select all


   GtkWidget * hWnd = (GtkWidget * ) hb_parnl( 1 );
   gtk_misc_set_alignment( ( GtkMisc * ) hWnd, hb_parnd( 2 ), hb_parnd( 3 ) );
In say.prg:

Code: Select all

   METHOD SetAlignment( fHAlign, fVAlign ) INLINE SaySetAlign( ::hWnd, fHAlign, fVAlign )
And in your program code something like:

Code: Select all

@  30,  10 SAY sayKey VAR "Key" OF dlgPATIENT SIZE 90, 25 PIXEL
sayKey:SetAlignment( 0.0, 0.5 )
Next step is to include in #xcommand @ <row>, <col> SAY

By the way fHAlign is a float with 0.0 meaning left align, 1.0 meaning right align, fVAlign is a float with 0.0 meaning top align, 1.0 meaning bottom align. So the example above puts the label text at the left hand side centered vertically.

Happy to provide more information if required.
