Search found 3 matches
- Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:34 am
- Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
- Topic: internet ip address
- Replies: 33
- Views: 6792
Re: internet ip address
Hello Is there an esay way to know the INTERNET ip address from a computer ? I think Enrico published solething on it some time ago, i did a search but did not find, if anyone has a sample, thanks for the help PS : I was previously using tip functions from xharbour but they do not work anymore, i p...
- Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:15 am
- Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
- Topic: Find my ip
- Replies: 6
- Views: 1174
Re: Find my ip
Hi all, anyone know how can I get my computer ip ? Thanks What ip address do you need? If you need your computer ip do the following instructions For Windows xp 1.start->Run 2.cmd 3.Type ipconfig enter If you need your internet ip address visit .Here you can get location of y...
- Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:09 am
- Forum: FiveWin for Pocket PC
- Topic: Welcome to the new FiveTech Software forums
- Replies: 2
- Views: 20952
Re: Welcome to the new FiveTech Software forums
hi friends,
I am new user here............
I am new user here............